MR. REID: I can teach you anything...Chemistry....Math....English....Love...
I've just realized how much I quote Mr. Reid and talk about his class. It's true, he's really a sadly BS'ed teacher when it comes to actually teaching ("Oh the way...something I forgot to teach you three weeks ago and it was on yesterday's quiz, so listen up, now"...) but he is rather hilarious, in a scathing sort of way. (Come to think of it, he's sort of like Darice
kittineko 's CG teacher.) Yesterday, he was doing a demonstration on electrolytes, which are solutions that can conduct electricity. He mixed a beaker full of Something and Something, and then another beaker filled with sugar and water. Then he took this little electricity-conducting thing (yes, I know, I'm descriptive) and placed it in the beaker of Something and Something. "Observe that the light has turned a dim red, which means that the solution is conducting the electricity weakly," he informed us. He took it out, wiped it and proceeded to stick it in the sugared water. The light on the conductor promptly turned from red to orange to a fastly-blinking yellow in a matter of seconds. "Um...what's yellow supposed to mean?" someone asked.
"Very high electricity," Mr. Reid said dubiously, and everyone started to laugh. He stuck the conductor into the sugared water again, and the blinking yellow light remained. "What??!...Distilled water...? Is this...? Hmmm..." He sniffed it suspiciously. "Anyone want to taste this, to check? I don't understand why...?"
"Now you know what kind of water we're working with, Mr. Reid!" someone said, causing more laughter. Which reminds me of the time my friend and swim buddy Joanna was learning about acids and bases and pH and was going around the school testing the fountains and sinks. The water fountains, she'd told me, had tested out to be a 3. 3 is the acidity of orange juice.'s a five-day weekend!! Goodbye, school! Hello, nonexistant social life!
Anyway, nitched gracefully and nimbly from Tiff
mar00n :
This year i have decided to actually embrace the real idea of Thanksgiving and give thanks to the many great people and things in my life :)
Alphabetical Order of people who actually read this and have friended me:
David C: Don't see you much at all, so it's really quite great that we've managed to stay friends. Chinese school: still wondering how Chinese stories on whether the sun is a copper plate manage to end in lectures on the divorce rate of America? And remember this:
Claudia: Is this song Lord of the Rings?
David: No, it's the Matrix.
Claudia: (10 min. later) Is THIS song Lord of the Rings?
David: it's the same song from before...if you haven't noticed i've had it on continuous repeat...
You have to be there for it to be funny, I guess. But David is awesome, nicest guy ever (like that time at his party, me and Tiff went psychotic with your Dad's DVD library, and you were all polite about it, haha), and he knows about ten instruments.
Tiff C: Chinese school buddy and fellow movie freak, and the occasional surprising ditz ("What's lmao mean? Is it something in Chinese?" and "Where's my lock????" " your other hand...") We go wayyyy back, back to when you used to boss me around with my barbies, and in preschool, when we built this plastic pen around us and spoke Chinese so "no one would understand us," and danced around to "Ghostbusters." NERDS FOR LIFE!!
Megan K: haven't seen you at all this year :-(!!!! But you're always there when anyone needs a hug. Hug-whore!! :-D
Sarah K: bus buddies, and [occasional] track buddies! :-P I don't know what my mornings would be like if you weren't sitting with me, half asleep, in the pitch-ass dark, and commenting on the ever-dwindling location of the sun every dawn. Or feeling my pain when I couldn't walk up the main stairs because i was too crippled from track!
Darice (kittineko): It's amazing...I've never met you in my life, but it feels like i do, because we read each other's lj's. And you're awesome...SHINY! SHINY! Hahahhahaha
Alyssa M: Website Design computer neighbor, and King Creon! "BAH...let him go on with his craziness...the girls will not go free." *clutches butter knife* And our Website Design experiences are hilarious: Like the tiled Michael Phelps-in-a-speedo background to you "YORKTOWN SCHOOL OF BOARD" webpage, and the time you randomly smacked your head into the computer while walking back.
Rayna M: lots of good times!!! Not to mention memorable. Like that time when we tried to sled down your hill in the winter, even though the particular hill had a forest on it, and the time we "halved" the brownie recipe, and split up 5 eggs by dolloping spoonfuls of yolk ("I think that's half.") and the ferocious foozball tournaments...not to mention our IM's, which sometimes contain a majority of weird contests, like who can type "something" faster, or <>. Good times.
Holly S: in the library with Wudan, where she tutors you (and sort of tutors me, too, in a way). "Simon...he's like the weirdest kid ever." "I bet he's in the other side of the library, and can hear our echoed voices." *Simon comes into view, walking in from the exact side of library we indicated* That was hilarious :-D
Wudan Y: smartness, spazness, too many burps, and body-whore wrapped up in one! Many weird and screwed up inside jokes, too, since we usually talk on the phone when we're both delirious with Math and stuffed full of cosign and radicals and whatnot. PULL THE LEVER! Weekend "Sex" Life! Nikolai's 99 left-over dollars! And so many others that i can't even think of any...because we come up with new ones every time we talk.
And this took long enough to write!