1. Watching tv and seeing that segment of Derek Jeter running to catch the ball and then... woops, he's going too fast! And! There he goes, flying straight into the stands, Superman style! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Ahem. Uhhh...of course, its not nice to laugh at other people's injuries. But damn, was that funny!
2. Lying in the orthodontist chair listening to all the assistant ladies have a conversation about apple sauce.
A: Melissa, have you been sitting there all day? Go inside and eat something. Really, go. (Melissa leaves, and Assistant A turns to Assistant B) Katie, go in there and check that she's eating. Is she eating?
B: She's coming out now.
A: Melissa, did you eat something?
B: Yes. I ate applesauce.
A: That quick? Did you really...
B: Yea, i did! Wanna smell my breath?
A: Nah, that's okay.
3. On the same note, lying in the orthodontist chair, when suddenly, coming from the chair next to me is a squeal of, "Is that my BLOOD???!!" After some mumbling from the assistant, the boy says, "If you do that, i'll bite your finger off, i swear."
4. Hearing my mom calling Joe, my bro, downstairs to do something for the 15 millionth time. Joe got annoyed and yelled, "ALL RIGHT I'M CO-*major voice squeak*-MING!"
Looks like the hormones are kicking in.
Joe, Justin and I were eating stuff in the kitchen when suddenly, we hear the unmistakable sounds of a bagpipe playing. It sounds like it's coming from our backyard, so me and Justin run outside to investigate. Turns out that we ARE hearing a bagpipe playing. And it's being played by our house-behind-our-backyard neighbor. Me and Justin ran to the fence behind the pool and stared google-eyed as this old neighbor of ours started marching to the noises coming from a tape player while playing, "The Caissons Go Rolling Along," as well as all the army songs we played in Band for the Memorial Day parade. Then he stopped marching and played "Amazing Grace," (with a couple of loud squeaks in between. Teehee, he messed up!) exactly like the bagpipe players at the Gazebo during the Memorial Day Parade. So, I concluded, he must be one of those players! I never knew i had such fascinating neighbors! I mean, besides the old ladies next door who play tennis and yell lots of bad words that i didn't know old ladies were supposed to say, and the guy who mows his grass every day, sometimes at seven in the morning.
Anyway, soon, the guy finished up, and brought his bagpipes back into the house. Justin shouted, "WOOOOOOO!" and we both started clapping enthusiastically. His number one fans.
By the way, this is probably my last entry before i leave for Taiwan. I am leaving in...uhhh...four days. (Four days! If my ordered summer reading books don't come by then, i am dead.) And i am coming back on July 23rd, or something like that. (See why i'm going to be dead?)