Hot Box 2006.... hell yes

Dec 10, 2005 14:07

just in case anyone is still wondering or a curious little savage.. here it is

Guys and Dolls * Cast List

Guys - Crapshooters
Joe Hannon Nicely Nicely Johnson
Kevin Reynolds Benny Southstreet
Peter Curtin Rusty Charlie
Kevin Collins Harry the Horse
Peter Wallace Nathan Detroit
Kyle Forrester Angie the Ox
Kyle McKeever Sky Masterson
A. J. Francis Big Jule
Nick Pugliese Joey Biltmore
Jarrett Adams
Richard Barry
John Connolly
Mark Esposito
Pat Fleury
Paul Fleury
Kevin Gillingham
Mark Hoover
Kevin Leahy
Britt Lewis
Will Misko
Phil Olive
Ryan O’Toole
Michael Polchert
Bobby Stubbs

Tom Holland Lt. Brannigan

Dolls * Hot Box Dancers
Katy Tasker Miss Adelaide
Katie Manfred Mimi
Sarah Benton
Julia Bunning
Deliah Doolan
Kathryn Galland
Kelly Garvis
Meredith Hicks
Lara Iglesias-Cox
Keenan Kampa
Megan Kampa
Mercedes Katis
Maureen Kelley
Nora Ives
Nora Lieberman
Jacqueline Livaudais
Molly McKee
Lexie Overholt
Claire Reynolds
Julie Shuster
Laura Zeifang

Salvation Army Save-A-Soul Misssion
Katie Lang Sarah Brown
Billy Doyle Arvide Abernathy
Bessie Dausch General Cartwright
Emily Matich
Marcelle Maginnis
Mia Simms
Claire Yenson
Timmy Flynn
Peter Sanneman

as joe put it "i'm forever doomed to a life in the gonzaga chorus" but its ok. because i'm still gonna have an amazing time and i'm just going to enjoy every moment of my last show.
all in all i'm pretty happy with the casting. well the girl roles are questionable. the guy roles are perfect. joe is going to be an amazing nicely nicely (maybe not quite as amazing as jack moore but still pretty damn good) and i'm so glad petey wall got nathan detroit. i knew kyle was gonna get sky i just hope he can pull of the 4 or 5 songs he has to sing.
anyway that is all
and i really should go attempt to get some work done...
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