Right! Here's the thing:
1. Comment here and I'll pick one of your LJ interests and draw a picture using the mighty MS Paint.
2. You have no say in what I draw for you, or in how much it will suck!
3. Put this in your journal along with the pictures people drew for you.
I love
tomiko_the_muse because she drew me The Endless:
I'll think of something smart to say later, honest injun. I'm just going to go dance or something. Odd, considering today at school was The Suckage.
THIS NOT THE HAPPIEST THING IN YOUR LIFE? I've been watching the episodes - they make my life happy and help me with my French. I can usually understand and it makes me happy! Tom Sawyer wins forever, even though I was always more of a Huckleberry girl myself. :D
ETA numero dos: This lunacy is what happens when you let an idiot like me loose with a mouse and Sexeh Frenchmen.
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