...2010? What? When did that happen? Let's see what happens this year...
In February Imma go to Katsucon. Like a dork. :D Then right after that Ace Attorney Investigations comes out! I'm even more of a dork!
In March
firelady113 and I are going to go to the beach. Huzzah!
In April I turn 21. Mwahahaha, look out world. Lock up your liquor. I also think it'd be fun to do
National Poetry Writing Month, mhm.
Sometime between the end of April and the beginning of June I'm going to go see
my favourite play in the whole world! Yayyyyy OMG! I haven't seen it since. May of 2008. When these people in front of me brought fried chicken and laughed at all the archaic jokes to show they understood when, haha, bringing KFC to Shakespeare is clearly the epitome of classiness, amirite. Anyhow WAHEY I'm pleased beyond anyone's believing.
This summer hopefully I won't fail at going to the Renaissance Festival and the fair and all that goodness. Yay.
In November there's Anime USA. What was I saying about my being a nerd?
Annnnnd then I forget.
God I'm afraid of school. I'm really not cut out for it but I still have to do it. I hate that, and that I could have accomplished so much in this time if I were at all suited to it. But I don't like playing the game. In fact, I hate that most of all.
On the second was my month anniversary of working at Safeway/Starbucks, and this Wednesday I get certified so I can hang out in the little box there by myself. Yay! After taxes and supporting the general welfare steals a certain percentage of my money, working sixteen hours means I get about a hundred dollars a week. It doesn't go far but nyeh I'll take it.
I'm done being a general fangirl who doesn't have anything of substance to say. Does anyone feel like sharing anything exciting? :) And I fully intend to be present on el jay this year. Really.