ETA: Omg so like, everybody go read Rome!fic by the lovely
nokomis305! Go's
Octavia/Octavian, you know you love it. :D
So today RL friend (who has been irritating me slightly anyway) asked me via goddamn facebook if I was planning on committing suicide. I shouldn't be annoyed, but I am slightly, no, quite unimpressed. Maybe I'm giving myself too much credit, and I can't expect her to know, but excuse me if I think I've rather been subjected to/subjected myself to too much to say Oh Okay, I'll Just Give Up Now. There is something I have to do. And it just is stupid anyway. But really, thanks for that, because now everyone is going to think weird things about me. And now she's trying to be understanding. Sorry, but you really don't 'understand.' No one does. People can be so. Some word that means what I think.
Meh. Don't worry. I'm just being dumb. I think I need a new outlet other than El Jay. Which I have, actually. But I can't help but think.
No school tomorrow. :) And no school next Monday, haha. Sweet.
You should be informed that this song is effing amazing. Mitternacht, by E Nomine. I wish I had the mp3 for you (and for my own sake, guh ♥), but it is just fabulous. Here's the video on
youtube, you should go check it out. This song, ahh. It's got elements of techno and house and then Gregorian type stuff going on also, and it quotes religious stuff. In Latin. Be still. My heart. Oh, and what's not in Latin is in German! So you know it's good stuff. And the dude sounds So Very Satanic at times. And the choir action, ftw. It's like, I want to put on some neon fishnets and shiny vinyl shoes with ridiculously big heels and dance with strobe lights going and like take off various articles of clothing in suggestive ways, but I definitely also want to burn some witches, mothafucka.
I'm such a gawth, though. I painted my nails black today. Yum.
Man, I want to start working on my Latin again, which is so not a dead language, because I speak it. Oh schnap. Is Latin considered a turn-on? Because if a dude started talking to me in Latin, I think I'd pretty much gasm. It's at least as sexy as French, oh em gosh.
Oh, and because I love lj-cuts,
Good - since le college says 'get a laptop or die, bitches,' this means I shall acquire one. :) Probably sometime during the summer, isn't that win? :D It's this really shiny thing, Dell makes it, it's called Latitude something. 620, I think. Yeah, because there's an 820 also, but the 620 pwns it rather soundly. It's like having a baby, I'm going to have to start picking out all sorts of names for it, so I can be cool like
bluerose16 and
virginia-bell. :D omg those dorks hahaha ♥ But I won't know until it gets here what to call it because I won't know its gender and what are you talking about, of course electronics have personalities! :P
Bad (?) - when I go to college, he's moving. He hasn't decided exactly how long after, or between Kentucky/Tennessee or Las Vegas (am trying to talk him out of the latter, for his own sake), but he's leaving Maryland. This means basically that on August 23 of this year, when I go down to Farmville, I have officially moved out. In that I'm taking all my things with me and that's it, I'll be responsible for me for the rest of my life. ...I grin but it's also kind of omg because what if, you know, all the what ifs. I should talk about my own leaving Maryland at some point, but yes, that's for later.
So I think I'll be done now. Bye. (FYI: Strawberry soy ice cream = my lover)