behold my mood swings, god damn it

Feb 12, 2007 23:26

They're quite impressive for a girl whose menstrual cycles have been conspicuously absent, and who didn't PMS anyway. But the details are ones that would bore you rather to death, and talking with the angelic virginia-bell has made me feel rather much better. :) Mental note to do this more often, for the girl is insanely good for my general happy, not to mention sanity.

So the city of Rockville's Human Rights Commission (whatever that is) is having an essay contest. Students from the two high schools in the city write something and send it to them, and if you place you get money and the mayor says shiny stuff about you. I kind of have to write something for reasons, so um.

Here is the question Emily shall attempt to answer:

Question #2: Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel said, "I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." Describe an instance when someone speaking up or taking action made a positive difference in others’ lives.

I dislike Wiesel's book Night about his experiences in a concentration camp because I find it to be poorly written, but never mind that. I think I may have to write about Ms. Amos. Because she is. Kinda sorta hero-like to me. If I don't have any revelations about anything else, that is. And I don't foresee any.

This isn't something I can do in a month. I'm between the "You should be fine, God damn it," and "People are messed up for years, so how do you expect to fix yourself in a month?". Signing my life away in twenty word increments to its one defining event. The Mental State is ridiculously fragile right now. If I'm not careful this might consume my every thought, instead of just most.

It's kind of annoying that I have to admit I must be a person of some substance, that I'm not some strange travesty of a human being. I'm quite functional, compared to what I could be, compared to what I was at one time. But there's still plenty of time to become a mental case.

Now I feel like I need to shower. How typical. I'm a little fucked up, I guess, but that's a singularly bad way of putting it. You can laugh, it's all right. I think it's pretty funny myself.

But I complain too much. I fix myself or I'm not worthy of being fixed. Fair enough?

I put a Swedish Fish on my grandmother's grave today. I didn't have anything else, but I felt, you know. Compelled. I like Swedish Fish. I hope she does, too.

Found my presidential candidate, at least, the one I support for right now - Sam Brownback. McCain I will accept because we agree on a lot of things, but no amnesty for illegal immigrants, kthx. Brownback makes me smile, and I think I could actually like him, instead of just the lesser of two evils sort of thing. And he was raised a Methodist, like I'm baptised, and then converted to Roman Catholicism, like I'm thinking of doing. :)

Tuesday (and Wednesday, maybe ♥), don't let me down, 'kay?

♥ for everyone, please be doing well?

ETA: Well damn. iTunes does shiny things with CDs when you put them in your computer. Should I have known this before? I might have to buy one of those shiny 20GB thingies after all, because 2GB is looking kind of inadequate. :/ Hoshit, they make 80GB ones. Damn. I had better talk myself out of anything, or I am going to be even poorer than I already am. Lolol I need a job.

wtf, shut up bitch, philosophical teenage angst

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