Because it's fun, and
melange1 needs to be seeing what I look like, for our pro-life adventures, y0. :D
And yes, I know what a tard I am. In life. But pictures, voici:
Alas, you cannot see the shiny pair of handcuffs on it, put there with the sole intention of scaring my poor father (not that I'd ever use them...what do you think I am, a teenager slut? :D).
Yes, that's my kitten, Fantine, and hell yeah, that's Pikachu on the pillow. *grins*
Isn't she sweet? Ignore my zombie face, and look at her. Or look at my boobs, if you prefer. *g*
It was last weekend, I kidnapped the brother to show him where I'll be going to college, and we're just walking by the window, right? Okay, he saw it first, and asked me what 'grillz' were. It took me a minute to see this was a picture of teeth. We both died.
My heroes! Do I know these people? Of course, they're my cousins. :) My mother's side, we're Virginians for round about 300 years, and we're proud to be simple folk. I can't believe they let us take a picture, hehe, and the hat, but they said, you know, if you're going to make fun of us. (Said one with the hat is Silas, after our great-grandfather, and I may or may not be slightly attracted to him, despite his father and my mother being siblings. Shh...the one incest story of my life involves him and the fourth of July, hehe).
No idea what happened here, but it's myspacetastic and I rather like it (my hair makes me happy here :D).
Ew, my dimples. xP But Jack Sparrow and too-big glasses are fun.
Oh schnap, I am so scene, 'kay.
Ta-da. Finis. :)