The father is trying to learn how to work the cordless phones I Borrowed from my mother, who was not using them anyway, gosh. The poor thing just doesn't understand how they work, but I think he's got it now. And now he's bothering me about wires and things. What?
Okay, back to blathering on, because I actually don't care about what he's saying. *g*
Ooh, is it bad that I know what I'm writing about for NaNo this year, and that I've got a name for it, and all of this in the beginning of January? Hm, it is possible. But it's instinctive, so obviously, I have to listen to it. It'll be a little weird though, I don't usually write in the first person when I'm, you know, actually Writing Things. Nor in the past tense. I'm a third person limited/present tense OTP kind of girl. But in this case, nothing else will suffice. Oh well, this is important, anyway. But Shakespearean quotations ftw. I think I shall go at some point and swipe the username here on el jay, because I'm sneaky like that. I think it's interesting how NaNo last year totally killed me, but this year, I don't think it will be so difficult. It might be because I don't have to make it up, but that sounds bad, though I think it's safe to say that I am somewhat motivated. Mm, listen to me be enigmatic.
Okay, my problem, if you can call it that. Yeah, call it that. So this Certain AP Class is killing me. I'm not learning anything - I am a dork and know most of the material already. Still, it requires a lot of work, and a lot of time, thus generating a lot of stress and taking away from other classes while not really contributing to my educational experience. I have to go see my counselor on Monday anyhow, to see about changing my gay as hell food class a.k.a. wannabe tech credit. I'm thinking of proposing the idea that I drop the AP class, and take up an internship.
Now, two options exist here - I can do a French internship, even though I do not know what it entails, but it's with my French teacher who loves me and who doesn't make us do much of anything in AP French so I imagine this won't be that stressful, OR I can do an internship for Echoes, that's our beautiful literary magazine and thus I get to type in things and make layouts and have a generally good time, and that's with my English teacher, who also loves me. I love both of them back, so you know.
Okay, problem, I know Counselor won't listen to a word I say. It's hard as hell to get out of AP classes, because of how good it looks when lots of kids take the exams. Dammit, I will take the exam if they're going to be bitches like that. But an internship will help me a lot more than this class ever could, and why should I sacrifice myself for the school? Selfish, maybe, but they're an entity - I'm an individual, and this is my only opportunity to go through high school. I shouldn't have to stay somewhere I'm not happy and I'm not learning anything just so they look good on paper, and it's not like I'm going to make that much of a difference. Amirite? Anyway, it's frustrating that I know she won't listen to anything I have to say, so I might have to get Daddy to go down there and Make It So. Even so, I don't know if they'll listen to him, but he has a markedly better chance of Actually Being Listened To than I do. :/ Sucks to be seventeen, hm? Old enough to know how things work, to be told and expected to be responsible, but too young to be treated as an adult. Unless you commit a crime, of course. ;)
I'm wearing my new (and ridiculously lovely) polka-dotty dress to church tomorrow, which excites me, because church makes me really happy inside and I haven't been in a while, and my dress, okay, I don't care who you are, but when I'm wearing that dress, I'm like, way cuter than you are. :D I'll have to get someone to take a picture of me, liek srsly, hehehe. I can't believe how very Presentable I look (it excites me, if you can't tell).
Oh, my father. He has a Brilliant Plan. It involves getting a new car. Except, an actual new car, one that he wants to replace the beloved car I've got now [insert biting of lip here, for this is hardly a good thing]. Anyway, in Las Vegas they're selling this one kind of car, um, Hyundai Sonata, for about half of what they are anywhere he knows about. He thinks it's amazing. So he wants to buy one over spring break and then have a road trip (:D!!!!!!!) to bring it back here. God, I love road trips, no, you don't understand. I could drive forever (speaking of, I get my omg OFFICIAL LICENSE on the eighteenth of this month. Thank you, state of Maryland, it's about time, since you completely violated my rights in the first place. In retaliation I'm going to go out driving at 3 a.m. just because I can. :D), and road trips are just amazing. If you ever get the opportunity to take one, especially across the North American continent, by God, do it. Especially you,
virginia_bell! You'll love it, I promise. It's an experience unlike any other, to be trite.
So that would be fun, I guess. ;)
Yeah, was warm today, so I totes jumped on the trampoline. It was made from win.
Wtf, how did it get to be this time? I have to get up tomorrow, and go to church, and go to Boonsboro, and do school work, and all sorts of stuff. Omg liek bai. ♥.