dyers sign Originally uploaded by
Amy Grimes. I love old signs and Beale Street is rich with them. I find the odd shapes - lots of circles - aesthetically pleasing. Even the rust and the marks made simply from the passing of time are beautiful to me. You may find yourself deluged with these pics over the next few days. Bear with me.
I had a productive day at work topped off by by a massage by my dear friend Missy. She leaves for MI tomorrow so I got one of her very last TN massages. I'll miss her.
I was reminded by practically everyone that I missed graduation friday night. While I regret not seeing my friends, I don't miss walking and the long ceremony. However I missed out on receiving an award. I was shocked! Today the award was sitting on the front desk waiting for me along with the following speech:
"This is going to a woman who did not want to be spotlighted. Her gentle giving is motivated by a deep-rooted sense of responsibility and humanitarianism. She remained annonymous for the most part as she aided fellow classmates and those in other programs. We are proud to recognize Amy Grimes."
I got a little teary eyed. I left that school feeling blessed by all the people who had come into my life and shown kindness and here I am getting recognized. What a beautiful crazy thing.
Now I'm off to get the massage room painted. I'm soooo ready to get that done and get back to massage. I miss it.