worlds hug

Mar 30, 2007 19:28

in february this year, i had a day in which my worlds hugged[0] really nicely.

at the pink jukebox same sex dance competition someone came over to chat to me who'd seen me at brighton bifest... and we were later joined by a friend of theirs, who i also knew (but hadn't seen for sometime) through the 'women speak out' feminist direct action network *smile*

and then later that day at the outsiders new year's party, a friendly acquaintance from my wheelchair basketball days, who i'd not seen since one of the 'liberty' disability arts & rights festivals a couple of years ago... and i met a couple of people new to me, who followed some similar orbits to me, within the lj, bi and poly communities *grin*

[0] nothing as sudden/clashing/potentially painful as colliding... in actuality, very pleasant *smile*

community, outsiders, lgbt, friends, bifest, bisexual, dance, feminism, poly

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