recent foxes

Feb 15, 2007 00:57

the foxes are barking and making the-killing-sounding-noise tonight.. but it is too dark out there for me to see them in the garden.

the other night - the snow-laden night, after the snowy thursday - i did see one (or two? the same fox or two different foxes?). the night was orange-not-dark dark, the light bouncing between snow and cloud. and a fox silhouetted at the back of the garden, mouth open, making the-killing-things-sound. and then a fox on the lawn, stretching, scratching, sliding a bit... snuffling around in the snow. beautiful *smile*

and a time before that, the slightly-snowy time before that, mymouse and i did see a fox in the garden... a fox in the snow...*smile* in the morning... sitting on the lawn close by, with gorgeous black ears... and then wandering the lawn a while... before disappearing (you can just see a bit of orange/chestnut/fox colour) through the hole they've made in the fence.

slightly oddly just the other night, i looked out at what might have been one of the foxes, on the lawn, by a sponge they seem to have brought into the garden recently... but it seemed energetic rather than physical, like seeing the 'ghost' of it, an energetic residue of a fox that had been there recently, but wasn't there in that exact moment in time. interesting.

and interspersed/amongst these, seeing one of the foxes one rainy night with parallelgirl, 'round the side of the house and running along the ramp, a couple of yards away from us behind the window... and another night, a brief view i had of two foxes racing across the lawn, one after the other *smile*

i can still hear them this night... in the parallel road right now i think...

snow, energy, parallelgirl, fox, photo, garden, mymouse

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