The government will publish its white paper on the future of Britain's nuclear weapons on Monday 4 December 2006.
We need to show that there is massive opposition to any new nuclear weapons.
Block the Builders are calling a mass blockade of AWE Aldermaston on 11 December.
People from as far away as Yorkshire and Merseyside are already indicating their intention to come to the Berkshire bomb factory.
While there will be a three month period for "debate" after the publication of the White Paper, Tony Blair has also made it clear that, in the end, MPs will only get to vote on the government's preferred option. Meanwhile building work at Aldermaston continues apace, making a mockery of the supposed "debate" as millions are being invested in new facilities. Right now, work on the Orion laser site - a key facility for the future of Britain's WMD project - is well under way.
On Monday 27 November 400 people descended on AWE Aldermaston to carry out a citizen's weapons inspection organised by Greenpeace and Block the Builders (see for pix). Let's build for a massive blockade on 11 December!
If you care about Britain throwing billions at its weapons of mass destruction while people die on hospital trolleys, if you care about a lack of resources for tackling climate change, if you care about the money being spent on keeping troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, now is the time to get off your bum and come and show your opposition to how your money is being
spent and Britain's status as a WMD proliferator.
What do we want? Genocidal weapons of mass destruction or real security?
This may well be an arrestable action, but we also need supporters.
If we fail to act now, there will be another 20+ years of Britain as WMD state.
Details of the blockade can be found at: For ongoing updates and campaign alerts, join the tng list: For regular news, see: