Ficlet: My Day to Day Scene (GH, Robin/Patrick, Maxie/Lucky, Lana Verse)

Jul 13, 2008 13:55

Title: My Day to Day Scene
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 77 - Weekend
Pairing/Character(s): Robin/Patrick, Maxie/Lucky
Rating: G
Disclaimer: None of the characters first appearing on GH belong to me.
Word Count: 881
Spoilers/Warnings: This is all AU, so nope.
Summary: "What’s a weekend long sleepover for, if not ruining your dinner with candy?"
Author's Notes: Written for theechochorus. Title from Jack Johnson's "Better Together."

“Thank you so much for watching her this weekend,” Robin said as she shuffled Lana into Lucky and Maxie’s house. “Patrick was so sweet to plan this weekend before the,” she looked down at Lana’s head, and continued, “thing happens, but he shouldn’t have left it as a surprise.”

Maxie laughed at her cousin. “It’s absolutely no trouble.” She knelt down to Lana’s height. “And we’re going to have the best time, aren’t we, Miss Lana?”

“Yes!” Lana exclaimed excitedly. She looked around the living room. “Where’s Uncle Lucky?”

“He’s out back with Cam and Jake.” Maxie rose to standing again. “Why don’t you go join them?”

“Okay!” Lana started running towards the back of the house, when Robin’s voice made her stop.

“Hey, aren’t you forgetting something?”

“Oh.” Lana ran back over to Robin and threw her arms around Robin’s waist. “Bye Mommy.”

Robin laughed. She leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of her daughters head. “Bye sweetie, be good for Aunt Maxie and Uncle Lucky, you hear?” She swatted her gently. “Now go play.”

Lana ran for the door again, calling back “I will! Bye!”

Robin and Maxie looked at each other and laughed.

“Seriously Robin, she’s going to be fine,” Maxie assured. “The boys are visiting for the weekend, and she adores them. Lucky and I are actually good at the whole looking after children thing, I swear.”

“Oh, I know,” Robin said. “I’m just a nervous mother, you know that.” She smiled. “And I don’t like being away from her.” She turned more business like. “Now, I packed extra clothes in case of emergency, as well as all the toys that Lana deems necessary to sleep. You know we don’t like her having sugar after five, and please try and convince Lucky to limit the candy he gives her this time, okay?”

“Robin!” Maxie laughed again. “We’ve watched her before. We know her routine. You’ll get her back in one piece.”

“I’m doing it again, aren’t I?” Robin asked.

Maxie nodded, still laughing.

“Alright.” Robin reached out and hugged her cousin. “I’m leaving before I get any crazier. Thank you again for doing this.”

“It’s no problem.” Maxie put her hand on Robin’s still flat stomach. “Now go have a good time with your incredibly hot husband before this one comes along to make your lives completely crazy.”

“Done.” Robin turned and opened the door, and paused in the doorframe. “Call me if there’s a problem, okay?”

“Get out of here!” Maxie ordered.

With a final smile, Robin closed the door behind her, and Maxie smiled, turning to go find her husband, goddaughter, and step-children.


In the backyard, Maxie found Lucky tending to the grill, while Cam and Jake kicked a soccer ball around. Lana was sitting in a deck chair, open backpack in the chair next to her, coloring. The only thing out of place in the picture was the wrapper of the lollipop that Lana was happily enjoying.

Maxie walked up behind her husband and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I thought I told you no candy before dinner,” she scolded.

Lucky put a hand over hers, keeping his attention on the grill in front of him. “You did.” He turned his head slightly and shot her a cheeky grin. “I just ignored you.”

Maxie swatted his side, and stepped up next to him. “If she doesn’t eat, I’m blaming you.”

Lucky laughed and wrapped his spare arm around her shoulders. “She’ll be fine. And what’s a weekend long sleepover for, if not ruining your dinner with candy?”

“True,” Maxie conceded, leaning her head against Lucky’s shoulder. “How much longer till we eat?”

“Ten minutes?” Lucky estimated, flipping the burgers one more time.

“Alright, I’ll go call the boys in to set the table and wash up.” Maxie stepped over to where Lana was sitting and ran a hand across her hair. “Sweetie, we’re going to eat soon. You want to pack up your coloring book and crayons and go wash your hands?”

“Sure,” Lana agreed.

“Thank you,” Maxie called back as she headed down the porch steps to interrupt her step-sons soccer game. She intercepted a kick Cam had sent in Jake’s direction, stopping the ball with her foot.

“Maxie!” Both boys cried out in unison.

“Sorry guys.” Maxie shrugged. She reached down and picked up the ball, holding it against her hip. “Dinner is in ten minutes, so you two need to go wash your hands, and Cam, it’s your turn to set the table.” She tossed the ball to the older boy. “You guys can play more after dinner, okay?” She wrapped an arm around each of their waists and started steering them towards the house. “Oh, and after dinner, how about you let Lana play with you?”

Cameron made a face. “She kicks like a girl.”

Maxie laughed and ruffled Cameron’s hair. “She is a girl, and she’s littler than you, so don’t expect her to play exactly the same way. But I’ve been to her soccer games. She’s pretty good.” She pushed the boys ahead of her onto the porch. “Hand washing. Now.”

She watched the boys walk into the house, and sank down into one of the deck chairs.

Sometimes life really was perfect.

character: cameron spencer, character: lana drake, fandom: general hospital, couple: lucky spencer/maxie jones, character: jake spencer, character: robin scorpio, lanaverse, prompts: theechochorus

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