Ficlet: Addicted (GH, Lucky)

Jul 13, 2008 10:32

Title: Addicted
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 2 - addicted
Pairing/Character(s): Lucky
Rating: teen
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count: 309
Spoilers/Warnings: Current with the show.
Summary: The hardest part of being an addict, Lucky had discovered, was that your addiction was forever.
Author's Notes: Written for theechochorus.

The hardest part of being an addict, Lucky had discovered, was that your addiction was forever.

Addiction was an illness, but it was one there was no real cure for. When someone has cancer, they go through remission and eventually they’re termed a cancer survivor. The only way to survive addiction is to live day to day.

In an odd way, his life on the run with his parents was the best preparation possible for life as an addict.

Some days were harder than others. The day his mother relapsed, the day he thought his baby with Maxie died, when his entire family was taken hostage, the day Elizabeth almost died bringing Jake into the world, losing Jake and Emily in the same night. Those days, it had been all but impossible to keep from reaching for a pill.

But somehow he’d managed, and he was proud of himself for that.

There were other addictions, though, that there weren’t 12-step programs to overcome, and try as he might, Lucky knew there was no way to overcome the one he had to his ex-wife.

He and Elizabeth weren’t the same kids they’d been when they had fallen in love so many years ago. Back then, she’d made him into a hero, and when she’d looked at him with her bright blue eyes, he’d believed anything was possible. After so much time, so many regrets on both their parts, she didn’t look at him the same way anymore. Lucky knew that the best thing for both of them was to let her go, let her live out her fantasy, and to move on with his own life, but try as he might, day by day, the impulse to be that hero never went away.

He was brave enough to admit his addiction to Elizabeth. But he knew he’d never be cured.

character: lucky spencer, couple: lucky spencer/elizabeth webber, fandom: general hospital, prompts: theechochorus

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