Fic: Make a Man out of You (GH, Nikoklas, Spencer/Janessa, Lanaverse)

Mar 07, 2009 09:07

Title: Make a Man Out of You
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 70 - Bad Habits
Pairing/Character(s): Nikolas, Spencer, Janessa
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Any character first appearing on GH does not belong to me.
Word Count: 911
Spoilers/Warnings: Part of the Lanaverse.
Summary: "I want you to court this girl, not treat her like one of the models and hangers on you’re always showing up in the tabloids with.”
Author's Notes: Written for theechochorus.

Spencer lounged in the chair opposite his father’s desk at the London branch of Cassadine Industries.

He tapped his fingers absently on the arm of the chair as he waited for his father to get off the phone.

“Eight o’clock,” Nikolas said to the person on the other end. “Yes, we’ll be there. Thank you. Good-bye.” He hung up and typed something into his PDA, and then turned to his son.

Spencer raised an eyebrow. “We?” he asked. “Did Mother accompany you on this trip?”

“No,” Nikolas said tersely. “Michael Hamilton, Earl of Eltham, has invited us to a dinner party tonight.”

“I have plans,” Spencer protested.

“You’ll cancel them,” Nikolas ordered. “Hamilton is a major investor and he has a daughter I’d like you to meet.”

“Matchmaking, Father?”

“If you can’t be bothered to meet a suitable woman to ensure the Cassadine legacy, someone else will arrange it for you,” Nikolas warned. “Janessa Hamilton would be an excellent candidate.” He slid a file folder across the desk. “Read that before dinner. I had my assistant prepare some background information.”

Spencer leaned forward to pick up the file and flipped it open. “She’s stunning,” he said with some surprise, looking at the photograph on the first page of the dossier.

“Give me some credit.”

Spencer flipped to the next page and frowned. “She’s only 18? Don’t you think that’s a little young?”

Nikolas shrugged. “She’s his only unmarried daughter, and you’re not that much older than her.” His face grew serious. “From what I understand, she’s the youngest and a bit sheltered. I want you to court this girl, not treat her like one of the models and hangers on you’re always showing up in the tabloids with.”

“I do know the difference,” Spencer muttered. He looked up at his father. “Basically, you’d like me to marry this girl,” he said bluntly.

Nikolas nodded. “Yes. Or someone like her. If she doesn’t suit, I can arrange for other possibilities to be identified.”

“Why?” Spencer pressed. “Why is it suddenly so imperative?”

“When you decide to come work for Cassadine and embrace your inheritance as the prince you can ask questions,” Nikolas said coldly. “Till then, if you want to keep receiving the monetary benefits without any of the responsibilities, you’ll do as you’re told.”

“Yes sir.”

“Good, now if you’ll excuse me, I have a conference call.”

“Of course.” Spencer stood and stalked out of the room.

Nikolas watched his son leave dispassionately. If Spencer wouldn’t rein in his bad habits of his own accord, Nikolas would do it for him.

Someone had to.


Later that evening, Nikolas arrived at the Hamilton’s town house.

Servants discreetly took his coat and ushered him towards the parlor where the guests were enjoying drinks before dinner.

He stepped into the room and was greeted by the sight of his son sitting cozily in the corner flirting with Janessa.

His eyes narrowed. He hadn’t expected Spencer to accede to his wishes quite so easily. Wondering just what game Spencer was playing now, he took a step towards them but was stopped by his host.

“Cassadine,” Michael Hamilton greeted him. He nodded his head toward their children. “Things seem to be going to plan.”

“Yes,” Nikolas murmured. “They do.”

He watched his son for a moment more, before turning to Michael and asking politely. “Where is your lovely wife? I’d like to greet my hostess.”

The earl dragged Nikolas away, and as he went he shot a final look at Spencer.

He was up to something.

Of that Nikolas was certain.


Spencer watched his father walk away with a self-satisfied smirk. If his father wanted a well behaved obedient son, he’d get one.

At least until he left the country.

“Spencer?” Janessa asked.

He looked down at the beautiful blonde girl sitting next to him. “Yes?”

“Who is that man you were staring at?”

“That was my father,” he said dismissively.

She smiled. “Oh, is he visiting you? Did you want to go say hello?” She started to rise, but Spencer grabbed her hand and pulled her gently back down.

He pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “I’d much rather stay here and talk to you,” he said seductively.

Janessa flushed. “Are you sure? I don’t mind.”

He nodded, raising her hand to his lips once more.

Convincing this girl that he wanted her was going to be child’s play, he thought with disdain. She certainly was beautiful enough to warrant the effort, but after a half hour conversation, he knew that she’d bore him to death.

He mentally cursed at himself. If he’d only been able to get Lila out of his system, maybe it wouldn’t have come to this.

Maybe he wouldn’t have become the shallow, self-centered man that he was.



He shook his head to clear the thoughts away. “I’m sorry, what was that?”

“I asked what you were thinking.”

He smiled at her. “I was thinking about how beautiful you are.”

She flushed again.

A servant appeared in the doorway announcing dinner.

Spencer stood and helped Janessa to her feet. He tucked her arm through his and escorted her down the hall to dinner.


Nikolas watched them precede him down the hall.

He feared his son’s behavior was an act, but if Spencer was even half as besotted as he was acting, this might all work out.

Maybe the bad habits wouldn’t be so hard to break

character: nikolas cassadine, fandom: gh the next generation, fandom: general hospital, couple: spencer cassadine/janessa hamilt, lanaverse, prompts: theechochorus

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