Fic: Silence is My Self Defense (GH, Morgan, Lanaverse)

Dec 19, 2008 08:30

Title: Silence is My Self Defense
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 64 - Safe
Pairing/Character(s): Morgan
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count: 522
Spoilers/Warnings: Part of the extended Lanaverse
Summary: Lila Alcazar scared him to death.
Author's Notes: Written for theechochorus.

Morgan was afraid of a girl.

He’d never admit it to anyone, but it was the truth. Lila Alcazar scared him to death.

Before she’d waltzed into town, he’d been comfortable. He’d been living his nice, quiet, normal life, a life devoid of any emotional extremes. That kind of life was safer, and besides he’d seen what the extremes led to. One parent dead, and the other permanently lost to a world of her own creation.

Morgan had decided at a very young age that the same thing wouldn’t happen to him, and if that meant he had to avoid things like love, so be it.

But Lila, she was a walking, talking extreme come to life, and from the moment she’d laid eyes on him it was as if she’d taken it as a personal goal to make Morgan live life on the edge too.

Actually, knowing Lila, that’d probably been exactly what she’d done.

It wasn’t as though he didn’t like the girl - he did. She was full of life and energy and fun, something that Morgan’s sisters constantly chided him for not having enough of. She could be incredibly sweet when she thought on one was watching. And, though he hated to admit it, he’d have to have been deaf, dumb, and blind to not realize how hot she was.

He was wildly attracted to her and that was a problem on a couple levels. One, Morgan didn’t do wildly anything, and two, Morgan didn’t make didn’t make it a habit of wanting girls who weren’t even of legal voting age.

But he found himself spending time with her anyway, though he was careful to avoid any situations that might lead to trouble. Groups were easier, because he didn’t have to be alone with her, but they were complicated to arrange, because most of his friends weren’t particularly fond of her.

Kristina was mostly amused by Lila’s antics, and teased Morgan frequently about how he was being chased. Molly was too nice to really dislike anyway, but Lana’s readily apparent dislike of her was enough to ensure that Molly didn’t voluntarily spend a lot of time with her, which meant in turn that neither did Jake or Cameron.

Which left Spencer.

Morgan couldn’t figure out what was going on between Spencer and Lila. For all that they acted like they hated each other, each time the two of them were in the same room, he’d catch them staring at each other with heat blazing from their eyes. He’d always look away as quickly as he could, because to look for any longer left him feeling like a voyeur.

Something was clearly going on between them, and Morgan was mostly happy to leave them to it. If they were too busy playing games with each other, maybe he’d be able to get back to his even keel existence.

That was what he wanted, he assured himself. To get back to normal.

But if that were true, why did he have a twinge of jealousy each time he intercepted a look between them?

Life had been so much simpler before Lila.

fandom: gh the next generation, triangle: morgan/lila/spencer, fandom: general hospital, character: morgan corinthos, prompts: theechochorus

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