Fic: Angry Young Man (GH, Lila/Spencer, Lanaverse)

Dec 06, 2008 10:37

Title: Angry Young Man
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 32 - Disappointment
Pairing/Character(s): Lila/Spencer
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Sadly, they do not belong to me.
Word Count: 1005
Spoilers/Warnings: Part of the Lanaverse.
Summary: “That your father’s lofty expectations for you might be his misguided way of showing that he loves you.”
Author's Notes: Written for theechochorus.

Spencer burst into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

Cursing under his breath, it took him a moment to notice Lila sprawled out on his bed.

He blinked. “What are you doing here?” he demanded.

Taken aback by his tone, Lila sat up. “I would have thought that would be obvious. Did you forget I was coming?”

Spencer looked at her blankly. “Yes. No. Hell, I don’t know.” He rubbed his hands across his face. “Regardless, I don’t think this is a good time.”

With just a hint of concern in her voice, she asked, “Is something wrong?”

He shook his head. “Nothing that’s not always wrong. I’m just not in the mood.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Should I be offended by that?”

He laughed hollowly, and sat next to her on the bed, patting her on the thigh. “What’s the saying, it’s not you, it’s me? I’d say that would apply.”

“I’ve never known you not to be in the mood.” She scooted closer to him, laying a comforting hand on his back. She pretended not to notice him tensing beneath her hand. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

“That’s not what we do, princess,” he pointed out with a sneer. “We play games, we have hot sex, we don’t actually talk about our feelings.”

She stiffened and slid off the bed. “I didn’t realize that because we didn’t, it meant we couldn’t.” She stalked towards the door. “Give me a call when you’re in the mood again.”

“I had a fight with my father, okay?”

Lila stopped, hand on door knob. “Was it bad?”

He sighed. “Yes. Look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.” His voice turned seductive. “If you come back over here, I’ll make it up to you.”

She turned around, a hint of a smile on her face. “If I come back over there, I’m going to want you to tell me what’s bothering you first.”

Spencer frowned. “Why?”

“Because when we play, I want all your attention on me. Not half on your father.” She looked at him expectantly. “Do we have a deal?”

“Fine,” he said with a sigh. He patted the spot next to him on the bed. “Come sit down. I can keep my hands off you while we talk.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure of that,” she said airily as she crossed to sit next to him once more.

He laughed, this time a genuine one. “Awfully sure of yourself, aren’t you, princess?”

She nodded, a smug smile on her face. “Now tell me what happened.”

He shrugged. “It was the same argument we always have. I don’t have enough of an interest in the billion dollar company I’m going to inherit, I should be more like Cameron.”

She frowned. “Be more like Cameron?”

Spencer nodded. “Didn’t you know? Cameron is the son my father never had. He’s serious, he’s focused, he’s willing to trail along after my father at Cassadine like a puppy…”

“I didn’t know you resented Cameron so much,” Lila murmured, stroking Spencer’s back.

“I don’t,” he insisted. “Or maybe I do. It’s just frustrating knowing that if my father had a choice, he’d rather Cam be his son, not me.”

“That’s not true,” she said instantly. “Your father loves you, Spencer.”

He laughed bitterly, turning to look at her. “Like your mother loves you?”

“Touché,” Lila acknowledged, masking the hurt that flashed through her eyes for a split second. “But Spencer, our parents do love us. Even if they don’t know how to show it.”

Spencer shook his head. “My father might have loved me once. But now? I see how he is with Audrey. I see how he is with Cam and Jake. If he loves me, he has an incredibly fucked up way of showing it.”

“Maybe it’s because you are his son, because you are his heir, that he doesn’t know what to do,” she said gently. “Maybe his expectations are just so much higher for you…”

“And that gives him the right to treat me like shit, just because I’m not ready to take over an empire at eighteen?” he asked incredulously. He started to get off the bed, but Lila grabbed his arm to keep him in place.

“You know that’s not what I meant,” she sighed.

He shook her arm off, but stayed where he was. “Then what did you mean?”

“That your father’s lofty expectations for you might be his misguided way of showing that he loves you.”

He laughed. “I’m sure that’s not it, but thank you for trying to make me feel better.” He tugged her onto his lap, and dropped a kiss to her shoulder.

Lila wrapped her arms around his neck for balance, toying with the ends of his hair.

An awkward silence filled the room, neither of them sure how to transition from the emotional to the physical.

Spencer finally broke it, lifting Lila a little, and resettling her straddled across his lap.

Arching an eyebrow, she murmured, “So does this mean you’re finally ready to play?”

“What do you think?” he growled, twisting his hands into her hair and tugging her mouth to his for a bruising kiss. His tongue plunged into her mouth, tangling hers with his in a battle for dominance.

Lila pulled at his shirt, tugging it from his pants. She worked desperately at the buttons, undoing a few, before giving in and tearing it apart instead. Buttons scattered, falling onto the floor.

Hearing them, Spencer pulled back. “In a hurry, princess?” he drawled, pressing kisses to her neck and shoulders, trailing his hands down her back and to the bottom of her tank top.

She nodded franticly, eyes lit with lust. Together, they pulled off her shirt, and threw it to the side. Spencer filled his hands with her curves as they fell backwards to the bed.

They lost themselves in each other, and all thoughts of their parents, siblings, and problems fled.

All that mattered was in the room, between them.

couple: lila alcazar/spencer cassadine, fandom: gh the next generation, triangle: morgan/lila/spencer, fandom: general hospital, prompts: theechochorus

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