Ficlet: A Lie Told Often Enough Becomes The Truth (GH, Lucky, Elizabeth/Jason, Lavaverse)

Sep 13, 2008 09:01

Title: A Lie Told Often Enough Becomes the Truth
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 30 - Secrets and Lies
Pairing/Character(s): Lucky, Alexis, Jason/Elizabeth
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine. But this should totally happen.
Word Count: 1272
Spoilers/Warnings: Part of the extended universe of the Lana!AU.
Summary: Did something happen to one of the boys?"
Author's Notes: If it's never been made clear, the Lana universe diverges from GH's canon somewhere around March 2008, hence Lana is the child Robin is carrying now. This is the first of a number of stories written and/or in progress about what else is happening in Port Charles during that universe. Written for theechochorus.

May 2009

“Lucky?” Elizabeth’s tremulous voice came over the phone.

“Yes?” He said warily, wondering what his ex-wife had up her sleeve this time.

“You need to come to the hospital, immediately.”

Panic set in. “Did something happen to one of the boys?”

“Jake’s been so tired lately that I took him in for a checkup, and the doctor decided to do some blood tests and they found something, two something’s really, unusual.”

“What is it Elizabeth?” He bit out in frustration, searching frantically for his keys.

“They think he might have leukemia, and the doctor ran another paternity test, just as a formality for the lawyers, and this one said Jake isn’t Jason’s son.”

Lucky sunk down onto his couch.

“Lucky? Are you there?”

“I’ll be to the hospital in ten minutes,” he snapped. “I want to see those test results immediately, and Elizabeth, I’m going to expect to see my sons. Both of them.”

He snapped his cell phone shut, not waiting for a response, and headed out the door.

December 25, 2008

Lucky dialed Elizabeth’s cell phone number. He waited impatiently for it to be picked up. He wanted to wish the boys a Merry Christmas, since he wasn’t going to be seeing them today.

When the phone finally picked up, it wasn’t the voice he was expecting. “Hello?” came a man’s voice.

“Who is this?” Lucky demanded. “Where is Elizabeth?”

“It’s Jason, Lucky. As for where Elizabeth is, she’s having dinner with Jake and Cameron. You should know, we got married today, and from now on, I’ll be Jake and Cameron’s father. When the courts open next week, I’ll be filing papers to that effect. Good-bye.” He hung up.

Lucky stared at his cell phone in shock. He shook his head to clear the fog, and dialed Alexis’ number.

“Merry Christmas!” Alexis’ voice came through the line.

“Hi, Alexis, I’m sorry to call on Christmas.”

“No, no, it’s fine. You sound upset, what’s wrong?”

“I just called Elizabeth to wish the boys a Merry Christmas and was informed by Jason Morgan that he was now married to my ex-wife and that they were filing for immediate custody of the boys.”

“Oh, Lucky… I’m so sorry. What can I do?”

“Say you’ll represent me when this goes to trial?”

“Of course. There’s nothing I can do tonight, but give me a call tomorrow and we’ll get started on our own countersuit, okay?

“Thank you, Alexis. Have a good rest of your holiday with your girls, alright?” He hung up, and sank down onto the couch.

Merry Christmas to him.

May 2009

Lucky sped to the hospital, clenching the steering wheel tightly.

He kept replaying the last few months in his head. If all that pain had been for nothing… he shook his head to clear that. Thoughts of revenge wouldn’t do him any good.

Jake had to be his priority. Jake and whatever was wrong with him.

And Cameron. That poor little boy that couldn’t understand why his Daddy was never there anymore. Lulu, who was trying to make up for her part in the deception, slipped him information from time to time, filtered through Spinelli. She’d told him that Jason had told Cameron that he was his daddy now, and Cameron had kicked him in the shin and run away.

Those boys were his sons, Lucky vowed, and nobody was going to keep him away from them any longer.

March 2009

“Alexis, this is ridiculous!” Lucky fumed. “There was no problem with me having unsupervised visitation with them for over a year, and now I can’t see them at all, unless there’s a social worker there?”

“I’m sorry, Lucky,” Alexis said apologetically. “I know it’s not what you wanted, and we can hope that when we go to trial we’ll get a better deal, but for now, it’s the best we can do. Honestly, we’re fortunate that they agreed to any visitation, considering your paternity of Jake is in question and you never legally adopted Cameron.” She eyed him quizzically. “Tell me again why you never did that?”

He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. “Because I never thought Elizabeth would play musical daddies with him!”

She shook her head. “It was a foolish decision on both your parts. Yes, Elizabeth named you his legally guardian if anything should have happened to her, but a more concrete legal tie was always in both of your best interests.”

“I know that now, but what good does that do? Elizabeth has turned all of this over to Jason, like she doesn’t want to be the bad guy, and he’s not willing to see reason.”

“That would imply Jason’s capable of seeing reason,” Alexis said wryly. “Look, we’ll do the best we can, but Lucky, I think you need to prepare yourself for the possibility that you’ll be permanently cut out of the boys life.”

He shook his head in denial. “No, that’s absolutely unacceptable.”

“It’s good you feel that way, it’ll help the judge see how deeply committed you are to the children.” Alexis stood. “Let me know if Elizabeth doesn’t keep your appointments with the social worker, alright?”

“Alright,” Lucky muttered, standing and shaking Alexis’ hand. “I’m sorry for snapping at you.”

“I’ve been there, I understand.” Alexis laid a comforting hand on his arm. “We’ll do the best we can, Lucky.”

May 2009

Lucky ran into the waiting room on the pediatric floor. “Where is he, Jason?” he snapped, spotting the mobster sitting head in hands.

“He’s in room 705,” the mobster managed to croak out. He looked up at Lucky with tear filled eyes. “I really thought he was my son.”

“I loved him even when I knew he wasn’t,” Lucky said coldly, turning and heading towards Jake’s hospital room.

He burst into Jake’s room, and found Elizabeth sitting next to his bed, watching the little boy sleep, Cameron asleep in a chair in the corner. He went and stood opposite Elizabeth, looking down at Jake.

Elizabeth looked up at him with tear filled eyes. “Lucky, I’m so sorry.”

“Not here,” Lucky said, looking over at Cameron. “What happened to Jake?”

“They’re still running tests,” she said looking down at him worriedly. “We won’t know anything for awhile.”

He nodded. “And the paternity test?”

“You need to go give the nurse a sample so they can confirm the results, but they ran them against Jason twice. He’s not Jake’s father, which means you are…” she trailed off. “The test I took before must have been wrong. I’m so sorry for putting you through this.”

“Apologize to your children,” Lucky advised, crossing the room to check on Cameron. He bent down next to the boy, brushing the hair out of his eyes.

The little boy stirred, and blinked up at Lucky with sleep filled eyes. “Daddy?”

“I’m right here, buddy,” Lucky said. “Go back to sleep.”

“Will you be here when I wake up?” Cameron asked, already on the brink of falling back asleep.

“I promise.” Cameron’s eyes slid back shut and Lucky watched him for a moment longer.

He stood and turned back to Elizabeth, who had been watching them together. “Don’t make me break that promise, Elizabeth.”

“No,” she said quietly. “There’s been enough lies, don’t you think?” She stood. “I’m going to go get some coffee, do you need anything?”

He shook his head and took the seat she’d vacated next to Jake. “No, thank you.”

She nodded and slipped quietly from the room.

Lucky looked back and forth between his boys. No one was keeping him from his children again.

No one.

character: lucky spencer, couple: jason morgan/elizabeth webber, character: alexis davis, fandom: general hospital, lanaverse, prompts: theechochorus

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