Ficlet: Games People Play (GH, Robin/Patrick, Maxie/Lucky, etc.)

Aug 19, 2008 20:37

Title: Games People Play
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 85 - Family
Pairing/Character(s): Robin/Patrick, Maxie/Lucky, Mac, Robert, Kids
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Any character first appearing on GH isn't mine. Lana, Matt, and Gia are.
Word Count: 588
Spoilers/Warnings: Part of the Lana!AU.
Summary: Should we roll to see who goes first?
Author's Notes: Written for theechochorus and at the request of lapiccolina.

Patrick clapped his hands together. “People! Let’s get started.”

He looked around the crowd assembled in the living room. Robin and Maxie were sitting on the couch, watching Matt and Gia run around the living room as they played some version of tag only they understood. Lana and Jake were tucked close together on the opposite end, and though they weren’t doing more than holding hands, Patrick narrowed his eyes at them anyway. Lucky was debating a new police procedure with Mac, while Cameron interrogated Robert about his past with the WSB.

“I think we’re going to have to play in teams,” he said thoughtfully, stroking his chin. “One kid and one adult per team?”

Robin looked around and did a quick head count. “There’s one more of us, then there are of them,” she pointed out.

“I’ll read the questions!” Maxie volunteered eagerly. “Then the rest of you can pair off.”

“Great! Lana, you’re with me,” he announced, causing Lana’s head to spin towards him.

“What? Dad!”

Robin nudged Lana with her elbow. “Sorry, kiddo, just go with it.”

“Fine,” she huffed, letting go of Jake’s hand and crossing her arms over her chest.

“Jake, why don’t you come play with me,” Lucky suggested, eyeing Patrick warily.

“I can live with that,” Jake said, smiling apologetically at Lana. He got up from the couch and went to sit on the floor next to where Lucky sat.

Patrick immediately wedged himself in between Robin and Lana, and wrapped an arm around his daughter’s shoulders. “Aren’t we going to have fun?”

Lana rolled her eyes, and elbowed Patrick in the ribs. “Scoot over, Dad. Go cuddle with Mom, not me.”

Robin laughed, as Patrick stared at Lana agog. Recovering, she called out to the children still running around the room, “Matt, why don’t you come play with me?”

“And Gia, how about you come keep your grandfather company,” Mac said, patting the empty space on his chair.

“Okay!” the little girl chirped happily, climbing into Mac’s lap. “What are we playing?”

“Yeah, what are we playing?” Matt asked as he came to join Robin on the couch. He looked at the crowded sofa. “Where am I supposed to sit?”

“Here, Matt, take my seat,” Maxie offered, sliding off the couch and onto the floor. She looked over at Cameron. “I guess you and Robert are playing together?”

Cameron shrugged and looked over at Robert. “You mind?”

“It’s fine with me,” Robert said jovially. He looked over at his son-in-law. “So Drake, shall we get this show on the road?”

“Fine.” Patrick looked around at the expectant faces. “So Trivial Pursuit, right? Should we roll to see who goes first?”

“I’ll go!” Matt volunteered, leaning down to scoop a die off the board. He rolled, and looked down to find a three.

Gia scrambled down off Mac’s lap and rolled next. She rolled a four, smirking at Matt as she climbed back into Mac’s lap.

Jake grabbed the die next, and rolled a two, which earned him a groan from Lucky.

Cameron laughed at his brother as he leaned forward to roll, but was cut short when he rolled a one. Jake immediately burst out into laughter of his own.

With a sigh, Lana reached down to grab the die, and rolled a three.

“So, Mac and Gia are first,” Maxie announced. “Honey, you want to roll the dice so we can get started?”

Gia nodded, and slipped back off Mac’s lap and rolled the dice.

Game night was underway.

character: mac scorpio, character: matt drake, couple: lana drake/jake spencer, character: cameron spencer, character: robert scorpio, fandom: general hospital, couple: lucky spencer/maxie jones, couple: robin scorpio/patrick drake, fandom: gh the next generation, character: gia spencer, lanaverse, prompts: theechochorus

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