Ficlet: Party People (GH, Robin/Patrick, Lucky/Maxie, Lana Verse)

Aug 01, 2008 17:38

Title: Party People
Author: empressearwig
Prompt: 6 - Candy
Pairing/Character(s): Robin/Patrick, Maxie/Lucky, Lana, Jake
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count: 1430
Spoilers/Warnings: It's all part of the Lana!AU.
Summary: “Can I stay here and go to this party?”
Author's Notes: Written for theechochorus. I believe thanks are in order to normative_jean for the suggestion.

Maxie flung open her front door. At the sight of Robin, Patrick, and Lana all dressed in their Halloween costumes, she smiled widely and squealed, “Oh my god, Lana, you look so adorable!” She gave Robin and Patrick a once over, adding, “You guys don’t look so bad, I suppose. But really, Lana, who helped you with that totally awesome costume?” She ushered them inside.

Lana giggled. “Aunt Maxie, you know you’re the one who helped me with my costume.”

“Oh, that’s right, I did.” She shot Robin and Patrick an amused look. “You know, when I helped Lana with her princess costume, I didn’t expect the two of you to go the same route with your own costumes. Nice tights, Patrick.”

As he spluttered and shot Robin an angry look, Maxie bent down to Lana’s height. “All the rest of the kids are playing in the den if you want to go join them.”

Lana looked up at Robin and Patrick and asked pleadingly, “Can I go play?”

“Do you have something you want to say to your Aunt Maxie first?” Robin asked, straightening Lana’s tiara.

“Oops,” the little girl said sheepishly. She leaned forward to give Maxie a hug and exclaimed, “Happy Birthday, Aunt Maxie!”

“Thank you sweetheart,” Maxie said, straightening. “Now go play. And tell those boys that they’d better be behaving, alright?”

“Okay!” Lana ran off towards the den, eager to see her friends.

Robin stepped forward to embrace her cousin and press a kiss to her cheek. “Happy Birthday, Maxie. Great costume, by the way.”

Maxie struck a pose, and the fringe on her flapper costume shook dramatically. “It is pretty great isn’t it?” She laughed and tugged Patrick into a hug, kissing his cheek. “Exactly what type of sexual favors did Robin have to promise you to get you into tights, King Patrick?”

“A gentlemen doesn’t kiss and tell,” Patrick said loftily, pressing a kiss to Maxie’s cheek. He wrapped an arm around his wife’s shoulders. “But the price has definitely gone up. Happy Birthday, Maxie. Great party.”

Maxie turned to survey the crowded room. “I do know how to throw a party, don’t I?”

The room was filled with Maxie and Lucky’s friends and family, all dressed in elaborate Halloween costumes. Over the years, Maxie and Lucky’s Halloween-slash-Birthday party had become a tradition, one that no one would dare dream of missing. In fact, an invitation to the party had become so coveted that patients and parents of Lana’s classmates would try to suck up to Robin and Patrick, in hopes that Robin would use her influence to get them invitations.

Out of the crowd, Lucky emerged, carrying two beers. He handed one to Patrick, who instantly took a long drink. Lucky chuckled and took a drink from his own bottle.

“Thanks man,” Patrick said gratefully.

“You looked sort of wild around the eyes,” Lucky observed. He stepped behind Maxie, and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her back into his chest.

“A gangster, Lucky?” Robin noted. “Tempting fate, don’t you think?”

Lucky shrugged. “My wife picked it. I’ve found it’s simpler not to argue.”

“I know all about that,” Patrick muttered under his breath. “Ow!” He exclaimed more loudly, rubbing the side where Robin had just elbowed him. “You have quite the violent streak, you know that? Aren’t queens supposed to be regal and dignified?”

“Be happy I didn’t scissor kick you,” Robin sniffed, turning back to an amused Maxie and Lucky. “So who is on kid duty tonight?”

“We convinced Elizabeth and Nikolas to bring their nanny, and we hired Viola for the night as well. Plus Isabella is in there, though she’s probably more preoccupied with her cell phone. Jax and Brenda won’t let her stay out here with the adults and she’s busy complaining that it’s a baby party in there, or at least she was last time I looked,” Maxie explained. She looked up at Lucky. “Honey, we should probably go mingle with the rest of our guests.” She smiled over at Robin and Patrick. “We’ll catch up with you guys later, okay?” Without waiting for a response, Maxie took Lucky by the hand and drug him off towards the nearest group of people. Lucky shot back an apologetic parting smile, and then disappeared into the crowd.

Robin looked up at Patrick. “I want to go check in on Lana, then we can go mingle, okay?”

“Robin, she’s fine. There are two nannies watching her and the other kids…” Patrick trailed off at the look Robin was shooting him. “Let’s go check on Lana.”

Robin smiled triumphantly. “I’m so glad you saw that my way,” she chirped, slipping her hand into Patrick’s as she began to navigate through the guests to get to the den where the children’s party was happening.

When they reached the room, Patrick let out a low whistle. “Can I stay here and go to this party?”

Robin laughed, but she was thinking the same thing. Maxie had gone all out on this party, too, and it showed. The big screen television was set up with a gaming system that was currently occupied by Morgan and Cameron as they battled each other in the newest version of Guitar Hero, while Kristina and Spencer tried to get them to give them turns. Bowls of candy and trays of Halloween themed finger food covered virtually every flat surface. A second television was set up along the opposite wall, and Lana and Jake were involved in some sort of intense racing game, which Lana was clearly winning. The rest of the room was filled with board games, arts and crafts, and a piñata hung from the ceiling. Swarms of children filled the room, many of whom Robin recognized from school, dance, or soccer.

Robin and Patrick wound their way through the hyper active children, till they reached their daughter who was currently engaged in an argument with Jake about whether or not she’d won the race fair and square.

“I did so beat you,” Lana insisted, crossing her arms over her chest. “The game even said so.”

“You cheated!” Jake said angrily. “Just because the game didn’t say so didn’t mean you didn’t.”

“Did not!”

“Did too!”

“Woah, guys, what’s the problem?” Robin asked, trying to diffuse the situation. “Hi Jake, you decided to dress up as a cop just like your dad, huh?”

“Hi Aunt Robin,” the little boy mumbled. He frowned. “I’m sorry, but Lana cheated and she won’t admit it.”

“I did not!” Lana stamped her foot and turned to her father pleadingly. “You believe me, don’t you Daddy?”

“Um,” Patrick said hesitantly, looking down at Robin trying to gauge the appropriate response. She just shrugged, leaving him to his own devices. “I believe that you don’t think you cheated,” Patrick tried.

“Daddy!” The little girl cried in horror, eyes welling up with tears.

Patrick instantly crouched down to her height and pulled her into his arms. “Hey, hey, I didn’t mean it like that, baby girl.”

“I’m not a baby!” Lana denied, pulling away from her father.

“Why don’t you guys have a rematch?” Robin suggested. “Patrick and I will stay and watch and that way you’ll know for certain whether or not Lana won.”

“I’d be okay with that,” Jake piped up. “That is if Lana can stop crying like a girl long enough to play,” he sneered.

“Jake,” Patrick said warningly.

“Sorry,” he mumbled. “Please Lana? You want to race again.”

Lana sniffled a little and brushed the tears from her eyes. “Fine. And I’m going to beat you again, Jake Spencer.” She picked up her controller and looked sideways at him. “Ready?”

Jake picked up his controller. “Ready.”

Patrick stood up and stepped towards Robin, wrapping an arm around her shoulders once more. He leaned down to whisper in Robin’s ear, as they watched the children start their race. “I’m going to have to watch out for that boy, aren’t I?”

Robin patted him comfortingly on the chest. “There, there. I’m sure she’ll stay your little girl for at least a little while longer.”

“Thanks, I find that so comforting,” Patrick replied dryly. “That’s it, no more playdates for those two.”

Robin laughed, tugging him down to kiss him. “Somehow, I don’t think even that will be enough. Just watch your daughter beat the snot out of him. That should make you feel better.”

“Well, she does take after me in some ways,” Patrick drawled, turning his attention back to the television.

Sure enough, Lana won fair and square.

couple: robin scorpio/patrick drake, character: lana drake, fandom: general hospital, couple: lucky spencer/maxie jones, lanaverse, character: jake spencer, prompts: theechochorus

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