Camping suggestions? Thursday, June 18, 2009
Well we finally got it together yesterday, I looked around on craigslist and found us a car top carrier that will give us more room for gear. Problem solved. However it now seems we have another dilemma. Rain. All. Day. Friday. Plus there's a 60% chance of rain on Saturday. We have plans for fishing, hiking, swimming, possibly renting a paddle boat, none of which will work in the rain. We will have 6 very active kids rarin' to go, staying in the tent all day is NOT an option. Does anyone have ANY suggestions of things we could do to alleviate the kids' boredom while we wait out the rain??? Preferably free/cheap???
We'll be leaving soon, hopefully by 10 am, as soon as Mr. Lazybones (Jim) gets his butt out of bed. Scott & I have been up since friggin 5 am, the kids were too excited to let us sleep any later than that lol. They are already bouncing off the walls!!!