Feb 16, 2009 12:47

I  woke up with my period this morning, and am having just a horrible day so far. I had a 3 day migraine preceding it, which is usually a precursor for me, which really wore me out and made the weekend difficult. The cramps are really bad this month, and Im just so exhausted. Ive been dozing on the couch all day. My mood is totally in the toilet, even more than usual - I'm really down in the dumps, and everything the kids do is just annoying the fuck out of me, Its like l have no patience today. I also cant seem to get my temperature right, either Im freezing cold, or I wrap up in a blanket and end up sweating, the dampness from which makes me then colder when I take the blanket off. YUK.

I HATE this time of the month.
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