I am incredibly busy...

Feb 27, 2007 23:37

School is keeping me really occupied right now. I am contemplating concepts and theories all the time. The intent of this education program is for me to develop my own ideas and theories. I am really enjoying this challenge but in order to achieve this I must have thorough knowledge of all prior written research and ideas in this area .  This process is entirely too exhausting and never ending.  School has been a wonderful stimulus for having many great discussions which has in thus raised many complex questions and actualizations. I am hoping clarity will come to me soon and I can piece together everything to influence  more positive change in society.

I am disappointed because life is keeping me so busy and I am unable to find time to be better connected to livejournal as well as have more talks with Belenen. I have started to get to know her recently and this development has been truly exciting. I look forward our friendship unfolding. I also anticipate more of the positive influence of livejournal. I am meeting such incredible people.

NT and I went out of town this weekend and visited some old friends in two different towns. We had the opportunity to travel because NT made sound at a concert venue he volunteers for in another city. The weekend was great for catching up with everyone because we haven't seen this group of friends for several months. The conversations were fascinating as always. At the end of our visit we hung out with two of our dear friends. Actually, they are NT's friends, R & E, and he has known them for several years. He is very close with them and I have gotten to know them through him. They are both tremendous guys and they are quite interesting to spend time with. We discussed issues like protecting the environment, eating and buying organic food, sustainable living,  and increasing sexual pleasure, etc.

My apartment is dirty and it feels like I am constantly cleaning. NT and I share cleaning and he does his fair share of household chores. We live on a semi-busy street and I think this contributes to the collection of dust which gathers every day. We even take our shoes off at the door and some how dirt travels through. We have a balcony which opens to the streen and I think by leaving this open particles invite themselves in. This completely aggravates my allergies. All of the pollutants in the air don't help either. I am going to have to end this mini-rant and get some rest. I have to get up early to do laundry and prepare some work for school. I have to find time to clean more too.

cleaning, friends, school

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