Loving Yourself and Others

Jan 30, 2007 19:24


Dictionary= 1. a person's capacity for sexual feelings. 2. a person's sexual preference.

My definiton= 1. a natural growth process of loving yourself and others through connectedness

Sexuality is topic  which gets so much attention every where, within all facets of society. Many people are caught up in whether someone is heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. I feel compelled to express my thoughts on sexuality because I want to explore this within myself.

Sexuality is at the core of who we are as human beings. Sex is how we come to be and thus sexuality is about discovering ourselves and others. Sexuality is a process in which many of us experience. I do not claim to speak for everyone here nor do I feel I can represent what everyone experiences. However, I can share my experience and my understanding through friend's experiences as well. Many of us have unexplained feelings about ourselves and others. We recognize  when we are young touching ourselves feels good and comforting. We might then explore ways to do this or we might not depending on whether we think this is good or bad. Our bodies grow and change and become more inclined to feel sexual. As we develop connections to others we feel something and we may want to expore that but we are unsure how. Our bodies blossom and prepare for reproduction. We may feel excited, curious, awkward, alone, ashamed, and unsure about these changes.

(Side note: I believe this process can become significantly stifled and/or dramatically altered if we have had any negative experiences in regards to several factors. The first one being unwanted  and/or inappropriate advances, touches, comments, or actions. When this occurs many of us may feel ashamed and the process is hindered. A second way the sexual process may be altered is if we are exposed to believing having certain sexual feelings is wrong and/or if we receive messages that what we feel towards someone might be 'bad'. )

As we grow we may  feel more sexual. We may want to experience sexual pleasure more  and we may decide to begin to pursue this in different forms. If we do we might try masturbation and discover what feels good to our bodies.  I am a proponent of masturbation as a form of self healing. I have grown more comfortable with this because it is natural and it feels good. Plus I feel it is a wonderful way to know what you like and take care of yourself. Even if you are in a fulfilling sexual relationship masturbation can still be useful. Sonograms have even proven babies masturbate in the womb. It is soothing for everyone because of the endorphins released. When one is more connected to themselves they are more likely to be sexually fulfilled because they are better able to be honest to themselves about their needs, desires, and wants. Sharing this leads to a greater understanding of each other. Then we can branch out to have experiences  and grow with others in healthy ways. I will continue to write on this topic as I reflect but I feel this is a lot for now.

sexuality, masturbation

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