Dec 22, 2003 18:11
Last night I had a talk with a boy who isn't really a friend of mine, who isn't really an acquaintance either. He's just a boy that I talk to on occassion for advice.
I told him that I was in a rut of my life. Where I'm not quite sure where I belong. How I love my friends but im not sure if the feeling is reciprocated. I'm sure that it is, but I can't help but get that feeling of emptiness.
Perhaps it's because I feel so alone. Sitting in the car a few days ago, surrounded by people I love, I felt a complete sense of loneliness. Perhaps it is because I don't have a significant other and I long for that so much. I feel that I'm ready to settle down? It's not that I'm asking for marriage, but I know that I'm ready to start a long term commitment. Any buyers?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
Also, I can't help the sense of feeling shafted. I always thought the rules were chicks (and dick) before dick. But I guess the tables always seem to turn when you're the chick with the dick.
I guess I'm just jealous.
Blah. Story of my life.