"Shut up! I'm having a rhetorical conversation!"

Feb 18, 2007 00:17

Update 2-18-07: My eye stopped weeping! Yay!

I've been sick for the last week. My boyfriend dragged me to the doctor on Friday. A few labs were run and it's confirmed I have mono. I've missed Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at work. I have Sunday off.

I start my dispatch shift Monday. For two weeks I work a 10's shift and have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. I was hoping I'd get some rest having three days off a week, but already I'm booked up... I swear I don't mean to bitch about being wanted, but damnit, I wish I had some Katie time I could use to... oh, sleep. Or think.

Right now I'm home alone watching The Producers. This is such a hilarious movie; I always forget. Pleh. I just wish my immune system would kick back in. I'm tired of cleaning my snotty eye.

According to livejournal posts, sounds like everyone's doing well. I'm very glad for that.

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