Things are a changin'

Sep 10, 2007 17:29

So many things happening all at once. Some quite stressful, some emotional, some simply wonderful.....ALL will transform me in some way.

I knew this path would change me when I started.....and I thought I had a decent idea of how to handle them. Initially they came slowly, so they were easier to deal with, slight changes, a bit at a time....lots of AHA! moments.

Now they're coming in waves...and not just the waves of an incoming tide...but in tsunami proportions. Sometimes it's all I can do to keep my head above the water long enough to take a breath before I'm drug below the surface again.

Water messages have been beating down my door since June...and possibly before that...and it's time to pay them some attention. Things I need to look at that I've been avoiding are knocking on my door.

They aren't "bad" changes, but I will be altered from them and some of the people that I love will be altered as well. Also, not in a "bad" way, but altered all the same. And some of it fucking hurts....plain and simple.

Still, I would not exchange my experiences for any other, for they are what have shaped me my entire life and I wouldn't be where I'm at, nor be who I am, had they not happened
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