The Uncanny X-Men #216

Jan 27, 2014 04:27

The story begins with Wolverine rampaging around, in a bestial state, having completely lost faith in the senses that his world is grounded in. He runs into the street and gets hit by a car. He runs off, but he's slashed the front of the car, so they're stuck. Elsewhere, Storm and Priscilla are camped out. Storm assumes Super Sabre with get to them first, so she's strung some fishing line she found between two trees. Priscilla is all for it, but Storm decides against it at the last minute, and Super Sabre runs past unscathed. Storm orders Priscilla to join her in a hard march through the mountains, thinking that while saving her may not be the right thing to do, abandoning her would be wrong.

On Muir Isle, the other X-Men arrive in the blackbird. Psylocke scans the island for danger and senses none, so they land. Moira comes out and yells at them for flying so fast and low with so many injured on the island. Rogue gripes that without Storm and Wolverine, the team is crippled.

Back in the mountains, Stonewall and Crimson Commando find Storm's trap and wonder why she didn't spring it. Super Sabre starts running back while they have the line up and Stonewall blocks his movement, saving him. Crimson Commando points out a ridge that he presumes Storm is headed for, and Super Sabre runs up. Storm jumps him from behind and they tussle. Priscilla reasons that Storm doesn't like her any more than the three vigilantes and is only helping her out of some sense of honor, so she starts a rockslide, trying to kill them both.

The couple who hit Wolverine finishes repairing their car, while Wolverine watches from the trees. Priscilla shows up and grabs a gun the woman from the car has on her belt and shoots both, then flees in their car. Wolverine regains his senses, realizing that he could have saved them. Crimson Commando and Stonewall find the rockslide and figure out what happened, discovering Storm's vest and Super Sabre's headgear, both bloody. Elsewhere, Priscilla has managed to crash her car into a lake, and someone grabs her from behind.

Later, Stonewall shows up, finding Priscilla unconscious, and Storm pitches him into the lake. He starts sinking into the soft bottom, and Storm manages to help pull him out. Priscilla has woken up and prepares to smash their heads with a rock, but Crimson Commander chucks a dagger into her chest. Wolverine turns up. Crimson Commando chucks a dagger at Wolverine and another at Storm, but Wolverine deflects his and Storm catches hers. Wolverine wonders if he should take the two out or let them go, but Storm duels Crimson Commando, beating him handily. She grabs one of his daggers and plunges it into the ground by his head. She says that if he doesn't turn himself and his comrades into the police, she will kill him. Stonewall says that maybe if they explain why they did what they did before a jury of their peers, maybe they can get vindication. Crimson Commando agrees. After the three vigilantes have done so, Storm and Wolverine drive away, wondering how to maintain the high moral ground with such dangerous opposition. The end!

Overview: A fill-in by artist Jackson "Butch" Guice, who previously worked on Dazzler, after her revamp in Dazzler #38, and Micronauts. His art is servicable, but not very dynamic. He does the next issue too. Nothing too stupendous this issue.

I said I'd say what became of the three vigilantes, so here it is. Their punishment is to be into Freedom Force, which is sort of the government team for reformed (maybe) villains and a few other oddballs like Spiral. The Avengers' second team was the same way, I think, with Captain America leading a bunch of former villains. Anyway, Stonewall is killed on Muir Island by Pierce in about forty issues. Super Sabre is beheaded in a bad backup soon after Chris Claremont leaves. Crimson Commando is badly wounded in the same story. He actually has a Comic Book Legends Revealed bit about him, since he was going to turn up as a character in Erik Larson's Spider-Man run, but Erik ended up leaving for Image before the new cyborg look for Crimson Commando was revealed, and Erik used that look for a new character, Super Patriot. I think Crimson Commando does appear as a cyborg later, though, I think. The three characters aren't super-captivating, and there aren't a lot of stories with them that Chris Claremont didn't write.

Next: The new X-Men get to test their mettle against one of myself and Cookie's favorites: Juggernaut!


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