X-Factor #9-11, Thor #373-374 & Power Pack #27

Jan 20, 2014 03:44

X-Factor #9: X-Factor -- working as their alias, the X-Terminators -- is chasing after a mutant named Skids, to bring her under their protection. They see Magneto going into the Hellfire Club and he sees them. They fight Freedom Force in the sewers and hear sounds of the mutant massacre.

X-Factor #10: The Morlocks are being massacred by the Marauders and X-Factor helps. Angel and Marvel Girl bring Skids and Rusty, another mutant they've helped in the past, to their base. Freedom Force has leaked that X-Factor and the X-Terminators are one and the same, and Angel's financial involvement with X-Factor, a supposedly anti-mutant group, is revealed on the radio. At Angel's house, Jean is upset because apparently Cyclops didn't tell her he was married. Angel comforts her, and his girlfriend, Candy Southern, walks in, and is unhappy with what she sees. Angel and Jean return to the tunnels to help. In the tunnels, Sabretooth and Harpoon prepare to kill Plague, but she knocks out Sabretooth and Apocalypse knocks out Harpoon. He offers Plague the role of Pestilence, the first of his horsemen. Elsewhere, Angel is saving Artie, a young mutant X-Factor's helped in the past, and he gets beat up by the Marauders. Harpoon pins his wings to a wall.

Thor #373: Thor is up and about, doing Thor stuff, when his frog friends tell him that there's bad stuff going down in the sewers. Thor goes down and finds the Marauders having just pinned Angel to the wall, and he bets them down and saves Angel, preparing to fight the Marauders further.

Power Pack #27: Franklin Richards is sleeping over at the Power residence, and the kids are awakened by Franklin having a projected dream of Leech holding a wounded Artie. They decide to go investigate, since they've been friendly with the Morlocks recently. They fight some Marauders, including Sabretooth. They encounter Wolverine who tells them to go home, since he's tracking a killer named Sabretooth. They finally encounter X-Factor and make sure Leech gets to safety. (Leech is part of the X-Factor supporting cast and is no longer a Marauder after this storyline. Sabretooth's appearance here and in X-Factor #10 kind of undermine his reveal in X-Men #212. Wolverine saying he's tracking Sabretooth is just plain inconsistent.)

Thor #374: Thor fights the Marauders, finding Blockbuster particularly troublesome, but in the end, he returns an unconscious Angel to his teammates in X-Factor. After the tunnels are cleared, he blasts them with lightning, to disintegrate all the bodies and whatnot, rather than leaving them to rot.

X-Factor #11: A small group of Morlocks, lead by a guy named Berserker and including Masque, ambushes Beast and Iceman on their way to the surface. The others arrive and they all agree they shouldn't be fighting. They narrowly escape as Thor's blast clears the tunnels. Berserker deduces that they are X-Factor, not the X-Terminators, and leads his people away. They are attacked by street thugs, who take out one of their number before being taken out in unpleasant or lethal ways. Cyclops and Marvel Girl decide to try and find them. Elsewhere, Apoclaypse recruits a paralyzed soldier in an iron lung to be his second horseman, War. The group of Morlocks fights the police and is killed off, except for Masque, who escapes. Elsewhere, Boom-Boom, last seen in Secret Wars II #5, leaves the Vanisher's group of thieves. (Berserker only appears in this one issue, but he has a claim to fame elsewhere: he was one of the "new mutants" in X-Men Evolution! Strange choice. They even used him to introduce the Morlocks to the series. Boom-Boom goes on to join with the other stray young mutants in X-Factor, eventually joining the New Mutants, along with Rictor (who hasn't appeared yet) after Inferno. Masque re-appears much later, having restarted a twisted version of the Morlocks, before being unceremoniously killed to show how kewl X-Force is. After this, Angel's wings get infected and are amputated. He commits suicide by blowing up his private plane while he's aboard. That will be followed up in the Fall of the Mutants non-crossover in a few years.)


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