D&D pdfs available again!

Jan 25, 2013 12:05

Yet more D&D stuff: the pdfs of old books that were taken down so long ago are back again, at http://www.dndclassics.com/index.php!

B1 -- the introductory adventure module, In Search of the Unknown -- is free this week!

Other good buys:

B2, The Keep on the Borderlands: I always thought this module was a bit bland, but it's pretty popular, so what do I know?

D&D Basic Rulebook: The fourth version of D&D, released shortly after AD&D, and often considered the best version. A complete game -- up through level 3, at least -- but the follow up, D&D Expert, should be out soon, taking it up to level 14. Imagine, being able to play an RPG for five bucks. What's the world coming to?

D1-2, Descent into the Depths of the Earth: Very cool adventure modules which follow the G1-3 modules: your party has defeated the leaders of the evil races of the giants and discovered who has been pulling the strings: agents of the legendary dark elves, the Drow. So, in these modules, you pursue them deep into the depths of the earth. D1 is mostly a map of the caverns leading down, witha few encounters, and D2 has you encountering the horrific Shrine of the Kuo-Toa, insane, Lovecraftian fish people.

D3, the Vault of the Drow: The characters finally get to the Drow city, where demons and mind flayers openly walk the streets. There is a power struggle between the followers of Lolth, the demon queen of spiders, and the Elder Elemental God, served by the priestess who was causing trouble on the surface. What the players do is up to them...

G1-3, Against the Giants: Good modules, in which the players fight against unfriendly giants. Pretty simple, but well-done.

H1-7, Historical Reference Series: I've never read these, but I hear that they have good source material for playing a D&D game with a historical theme. They are as follows: Vikings, Charlemagne's Paladins, Celts, Mighty Fortress (1550-1650 Europe), Glory of Rome, Age of Heroes (ancient Greece), and The Crusades.

T1-4, The Temple of Elemental Evil: As I did a write-up on a few months ago, this is a salvaged version of what Gary Gygax had planned, and if you know the details, it's a bit dis-satisfying. We lose Lolth and the Elder Elemental God, but it's still an excellent module.

And there's plenty more to come!

dungeons and dragons

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