D&D players

Jan 22, 2013 12:04

I was doing a write-up on the history of my D&D campaigns and players, and I've discovered that I've had twenty-two players since 1985. Sheesh! Albeit five of them only played one time. It's weird going through all this old stuff and dredging up such old memories. I'm basically creating a Hall of Heroes, for memorable Player Characters from my campaigns. (I've had about seven campaigns, by my count, though two didn't work out very well.) From my brother and myself's first characters, George the Brave and Bilbo, to my current group's PCs, Breg, Falinder, and Mae... From the lowly 3rd level wemic shaman Porkin to the mighty 16th level human fighter, Doser... I makes one think!

Here's the basic roster:

From my first campaign:
George the Brave: 10th level human fighter
Bilbo: 7/7th level elf fighter/mage (his character sheet is long-lost)
Doreen: 4th level human thief (She was my second character, so I gave her a spot. Heh!
Nonzel: 7th level human cleric
Stonearc: 12th level human druid
Doser: 16th level human fighter

From my third campaign:
Talen: 4th level half-elf ranger
Ukyo: ?/? level human ninja/wu-jen (My friend has his sheet... need to borrow it from him so I can get the info!)
Buzz: 5th level minotaur fighter
Porkin: 3rd level wemic shaman

My current group's characters are still in business (7th campaign), so I'll have to wait and see if any of them make it the Hall of Heroes. They are level 8, 8, and 10, though, so they are already up there!

dungeons and dragons

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