(no subject)

Aug 25, 2012 01:34

Do the political extremists in America make foreigners as nervous as they make me?

I'm getting sick of all the transparent rhetoric and easily falsifiable lies.

I will never vote for anyone who says the following: Obamacare, Obama is a Muslim, Obama isn't an American, democrats are socialists, death panel, etc. This is all BS and simple propaganda. It's quite disgusting. This sort of thing may have worked in the past, but we're in a world where information is easily accessed.

The Republican party has become an abomination. It's about manipulating people into voting for them. The two easy ways they've found to do this are, A) push the religious angle (aka, "I'm a Christian, so if you're a Christian you have to vote for me, since you must agree with everything I say!"), and B) lower taxes. People who don't care about the actual facts will look at the guy who's promoting lower taxes and religion and say to themselves, "Well, that looks like the guy for me!"

The problem with the country, the way I see it, is that our government is owned by big businesses and special interest groups. They fund elections, and they funnel so much money into it that you can't even realistically run without such funding. Then they keep the elected officials under their thumb if they want more money for next time. I've been seeing talk abut breaking this cycle, but when all the people who make the laws are stuck in this system, there's little hope.

I also wonder how many politicians actually want to do any good and how many just want power. I've met many people like this, who just want to win for the sake of winning, and hold onto that power no matter what. It's an ego thing. Many, many businesses, organizations, web sites, MUSHes, etc., are ruined by letting these kinds of people in. They are masters of manipulating people and making themselves look good and their opposition bad, while not producing anything of substance, or indeed probably being qualified for their jobs.

My friend and I argued a bit a few weeks back about whether an honest politician could win. Would the ignorant masses prefer a comforting lie to a difficult truth? Would a man who could admit his weaknesses and failures have a chance over a guy who pretended to be perfect and twisted everything to make himself look good? I don't know. I'd like to think so, but I really have a hard time believing it. My friend felt that it was impossible for an honest politician to win.

So the question is, are we screwed? Will the United States continue to spiral out of control until there's a revolution, opening the door for something even worse. I mean, let's face it, if the US went under it would either be the same extremists who are ruining our country now taking over, possibly influenced by the ignorant internet generation's worst representatives. So, is there any hope for a better world, are are we done for? I have a hard time believing things can get better, and yet perhaps they can...


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