Kitty Pryde and Wolverine #6

Aug 21, 2012 09:39

Wolverine confronts Ogun as he prepares to kill Kitty. Their eyes meet, and Wolverine hopes that it will turn out like the story with Musashi, where they regard each other as equals and part ways. But Ogun attacks right away, easily avoiding Wolverine's attacks and penetrating his defenses. Ogun cuts Wolverine's arm, and Wolverine decides he needs to back off and find a way to even things out, so he bails off the side of the building they're on. Ogun follows him instead of going after Kitty, just as Wolverine had hoped.

Below, Yukio and Carmen Pryde show up as Mariko and Akiko leave the building. Yukio explains the situation to Mariko, but a missile (?) blows up her car. Shumai, Mr. Shigematsu's bodyguard has arrived to kill Mariko on Shigematsu's orders, so he can have a clear shot at the Japanese underworld. (Mariko still has involvement in the underworld, but is trying to extract herself and her family.) Kitty dives off the building, phasing through Shumai, to his surprise. Yukio whales on Shumai until he drops, and Kitty goes after Wolverine.

Wolverine gets knocked through the window of a pachinko parlor. The owner pulls out a .44 Magnum, but Ogun takes it from him. Wolverine takes a hit in the shoulder, and it's enough to knock even him for a loop. Ogun toys with Wolverine, pretending there's another bullet, the pulling the trigger. Wolverine flees into an elevator, but Ogun cuts the cables. Wolverine manages to escape out the top. Elsewhere, Carmen Pryde is conflicted. He's fearful because of his recent criminal connections and wonders what he should do. He goes to the US embassy and tells the guard that he'd like to report a crime.

Kitty phases over to a building under construction. The effort is costing her and she nearly falls, but Ogun grabs her wrist and pulls her up. Wolverine asks her why she came, and she says she couldn't leave him. He says he has no chance against Ogun and apologizes. Kitty says, "Don't give me sorry, give me life." Wolverine extends his claws and charges Ogun. Ogun impales him through the chest and Wolverine destroys his sword with his claws. He goes berserk, putting the fear into Kitty and even Ogun. Ogun attacks him with knives, but Wolverine disarms him. He ignores Oguns attacks and when Ogun peppers him with shuriken, he just brushes them out of his wounds. He charges and puts his claws though the bottom of Ogun's mask, lifting it off his face.

He tells Kitty that Ogun is hers. She charges him instinctively with his broken sword, but stops at the last minute. Wolverine says he had to make sure that she was completely free of his influence and wouldn't kill a helpless man. She asks what he would have done if she had killed Ogun, and he retracts his claws. She says, "Oh." She wonders what to do with Ogun, but Wolverine says he's beaten. However, Ogun grabs the broken sword and charges them from behind. Kitty phases and Ogun slashes through her and across Wolverine's chest, while Wolverine plunges his claws into Ogun's chest. Ogun dies. Wolverine says he'd hoped that Ogun would let it be; the immortal warrior had been beaten and he couldn't deal with it. Wolverine is ashamed of having had to use his animal side to beat Ogun. Kitty says that while Ogun stayed the same, Wolverine's evolved. He released his animal side, but he kept it under control. He's the better man than Ogun. Wolverine crushes Ogun's mask and drops the remains over Ogun's body.

Carmen Pryde meets with the others outside the US embassy. He asks Kitty if she's ashamed of him, but she's proud of him for fessing up to his crimes. Yukio has no appetite for this stuff, now that Wolverine's with Mariko and she's no longer needed, so she leaves. They go to an ice cream parlor and rest. Wolverine feels like being a family man wouldn't be so bad, now that he and Mariko and Akiko are together. Kitty enjoys a big ice cream sundae. The end! (There's an odd bit here. The ice cream parlor is called Shapiro's. There's kind of a throwaway of Kitty expressing surprise and saying "You're Mr. Shapiro?" and him saying, "So, nu, who else would I be?" I feel like I'm missing something."

Overview: There we have it, the Kitty Pryde and Wolverine mini-series. It is aptly named, as it is really more Kitty's story than Wolverine's. Chris Claremont may have done this to fight against the push for more Wolverine. It is a while before the Wolverine regular series starts, and Chris was always trying to avoid overexposure, feeling that Wolverine's mysteriousness was a large part of his appeal. I tend to agree.

The repurcussions of this story are that Kitty gets her new costume and code name, we find out a bit about Wolverine's past, and Kitty does some growing up. It is fairly significant, but it seems to be kind of unpopular. As far as I know it's never been reprinted in any form, and the only way to read it is to track down the original issues. This is fairly unusual for X-Men stuff from this era. Ogun is an interesting character. It would have been cool to see a story of Wolverine during his time under Ogun. This mini-series is the only time that he is mentioned during Chris Claremont's run, and as far as I know, no hacks have resurrected him since.

Next: Continuity gets messy! Besides the usual X-Men and New Mutants, we have X-Men and Alpha Flight and Secret Wars II in as screwy a crossover continuity as there is during the run. Lots of fun stuff coming up: Magus, Loki, revenge for the death of Thunderbird, Juggernaut, Nimrod, Power Pack, Arcade, and the return of the Phoenix! Meanwhile the New Mutants will have their hands full with Legion and the Shadow King. All this and Dazzler too!


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