
Aug 27, 2011 11:20

Star Wars haters are the most annoying fanboys there are, I tell you. The blue ray release on is already riddled with 1-star reviews, though the blue rays haven't come out yet. I'm tired of all these conspiracy theorists and Lucas haters. It all comes down to them being spoiled and crying because they're not getting what they want. You don't always get what you want. I've been waiting for the combined, uncensored cut of Kill Bill since it came out. It never came out. I never bought copies of the movies. Does it irritate me? Sure. Do I flood every Kill Bill message board I can find with stupid rants and whining, and come up with strange conspiracy theories about Quentin Tarantino? Heck, no. It's ridiculous. You can't go anywhere on the internet to just talk about Star Wars without hordes of stupid fanboys telling you how crappy the prequels are or how George Lucas is the anti-Christ. Ridiculous.

(Amazon put up a page for Attack of the Clones pretty much the day the name was released, and people were reviewing the film two years before it came out! I don't know why Amazon allows this.)

star wars

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