New D&D spell inspired by Slayers!

May 05, 2010 02:01

Slayers has a lot of magic, but most of it is of the Knights of the Dinner Table variety -- bouncing betty fireball, sidewinder fireball, etc. -- but one spell amused me and I felt I had to replicate it. Giant power spells are easy to design, but weak ones are needed too!

Steel Hair

Level 1 magic-user spell
Range: Touch
Components: S, M
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One hair
Saving Throw: N/A

This spell gives a single hair the strength of a steel cable. Note that due to the fineness of a hair, tying it may be a problem. (Inspired by the scene in the first episode of Slayers where she uses one of her hairs as a fishing line.)

dungeons and dragons

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