Sep 18, 2007 10:28
The worst anti-fans in the world are Star Wars anti-fans. By this, I mean people who liked some of the Star Wars movies, but have devoted their lives to attacking George Lucas and the movies they didn't like. Typically this is fans of the original trilogy. There is an interesting mentality that emerges, where people are unable to let go of their perceptions. That is, they've watched the movies so many times that a false sense of what is and what isn't emerges in their head.
For example, on a Star Wars board I sometimes go to, there as a poster who only liked the original movie. He didn't like the direction The Empire Strikes Back took. One of his bones of contention is the Force being used like telekinesis. He argued that in the original movie, the Force was only shown as a subtle and mysterious er, Force. When another poster pointed out that the shooting script for the original film has Darth Vader telekinetically bring a cup to his hand, he still couldn't accept it's the way it was always intended.
Another big one is Darth Vader being revealed as Luke's father. One of the posters at said board went so far as to write a gigantic book-sized essay about how George Lucas is a liar, particularly on this point. (I read it: it actually provides strong evidence the OTHER way if you just read the quotes and ignore the commentary.) John Byrne (on his boards) is enraged by this revelation, as it means Obi-Wan manipulated Luke into getting involved. In his typical charming, single-minded way, he refers to them original movie Obi-Wan and the other movies' Obi-Wan as seperate entities, the latter version being 'that lying, manipulative, cock-sucker.'
I admit to having my hangups. I had similar reactions to certain things since Chris Claremont returned to X-Men. I figured he'd never be back and sort of created a fan-canon in my head, based on what I had read. When he returned he blasted what I had created apart, which was tough for me to accept at first. Also, I still have trouble swallowing Leia as Luke's sister, though I can't ignore it like so much Season 3 Transformers anymore, now that Revenge of the Sith has come and gone.
It's sort of disturbing how obsessed people can get over these things... One poster at aforementioned board noted how he lived and breathed Star Wars, but was so disappointed with The Phantom Menace that he cried afterwards (a grown man, mind you). He is of the 'George Lucas raped my childhood' camp, and was gaining a new unhealthy obsession with George R.R. Martin's 'A Song of Fire and Ice' novels, last I heard. God help Martin if he should ever write what this guy doesn't want to read!
Anyways, sheesh.
star wars