Brilliant idea!

Aug 10, 2007 10:09

Time for more self-important rambling about my comic. But what else is a blog if not self-important rambling?

Heatherbeast gave me a great idea for my comic, though I think her motives may be getting to see her own character sooner. Why anyone would want to see me draw their character is beyond me, since even my renditions of my hetero life partner Guts Man are like sand in my eyes. Then again that's what Guts Man is supposed to look like, including in real life. Buuurn! I'm learning more about sequential art than actual linework... And I was hoping to learn to draw better before having to draw too many Transformers...

But anyways, the notion was that I skip forward. This would give me the chance to tell the story in a non-linear fashion, upping the pacing, skipping to the interesting part, and allowing me to be more confusing than usual. It'll take some forethought to make sure everything is revealed in a timely fashion.

The down side is that I'll skip a lot of stuff entirely, like Forward to the Past!, Bat Vertigo vs Tallie, the oft-spoken-of Crisis of Infinite Earthscorches, the Dragonball Z-esque fight with Shaun, the 2k5 reunion, Rickshaw Chimp's evil machinations and his terrible fate, etc. Stuff I wanted to do, but isn't really important. There are to be three major parts: The Beginning, Capcom Wars, and The Last Part. I'd be skipping to the Last Part. Capcom Wars would have been great for Cookie, who hates all OCs and is a Satanist, because it would be full of trademarked characters not associated with any real person.

The other down side is that the characters that appear that far along serve the story more than they do characteristic cameos. That is, I twist the reality of the people a bit, to accomodate a story function. Not that I haven't done that with all the old characters. But I'm nervous about depicting people who will actually read this. Cookie hated my depiction of Guts Man so much that his reaction landed him in jail. That poor kitty. He punched its head right off and drank it like a Snapple!

I was thinking of doing phoney golden age style 'covers' for my stories. Maybe I'll do a montage of those. I will ponder on it. If I decide to go that way, I'll finish what I was doing and set to work on Part III: Chapter 1! Eventually! I'm still doing better than Flem! In his face!

my comic

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