[Oh look, it's awake. Well, sort of. This time around, Koumei is inside a house - Ryuubi's, specifically - stretched out on a well-padded couch and holding up the PCD as he speaks. His eyes are half-lidded, as though he might decide to give it up and doze off at any moment. Lazy bum.]
It is not in my nature to interrupt, usually, but my lord has been very insistent on proper protocol.
[He thinks about that briefly, then straightens, just a bit, flicks his sleeves back from his hands and twists his long black hair into something resembling a neat bun. Proper. That's right.]
I am Shokatsuryou Koumei, chief strategist to the Earthborn Emperor, Ryuubi Gentoku. Though my talent is meager beyond mention, I am by my position obligated to offer my services to the city. I have some small knowledge such as can be acquired as a resident of Earth: farming, crafts, a trifle of technical skill, and all such mundanities. I humbly present myself to you, and beg that your indulgence shall allow me to lend myself to work in the name of my lord.
[He puts a hand and fist together in a salute, bows his head slightly, and leans right back as he switches the feed off.]
[Definitely awake, now. Koumei's voice changes when he speaks business: he is clear and straightforward, cool rather than pleasantly languid.]
My lord Ryuubi has indicated that you have endeavored to arrange some group effort for the benefit of the city. He thinks well of you. Tell me what you may require, and I shall do the rest.