Jun 17, 2003 20:25
Conformist time. Any 20 LJ users. Guess if you're on the list.
1. Hi, Red. Feel free to bring any more pics of your sister in the fall. ;-)
2. Goooooo Jiffy Lube! Those 20 minutes outside the bathroom were interesting.
4. Fun times in your bathroom with a "vase."
5. Late-night gab sessions at Denny's (this applies to a few of you, but there's one particular individual I'm thinking of with a CAR).
6. Two of the greatest weeks of my life in Germany.
7. Don't forget to only allow gay guys to cut your hair!
8. Just leave the dude alone, man!
9. Susan Barnes (a.k.a. Satan's Handmaid)
10. Hee, hee, what's your favorite country? (Egypt and Italy don't count)
11. Tickle, tickle, tickle.
12. RIT won't be as amusing without you there.
13. Late-night drives into downtown to look for a bus station because you were such a meshugganeh.
That's all the folks on my list I know in person. Everyone else, I only know through LJ, I think. Oh, and...
14. What happened to your afro!?!?