may you live in interesting times

Aug 14, 2010 15:24

So yesterday was Friday the 13th. And out of the last four days, it was probably the best day I had.

Wednesday was okay, I went shopping with my mom and then told her that my little sister Ray - she's 16 years old - told her boyfriend Jesse - who lives in Virginia and is 20 years old - that it was okay if he came up to visit. Without telling my mom. Best part? Ray has been lying about her age. He thought she was 18.

Mom isn't happy, of course, but she can't yell at Ray until she gets home from a trip to NYC with the group she works with. I pick Ray up at midnight from the bus stop, she sleeps in till 11, and I, y'know. Don't tell her I told mom her boyfriend is coming up that day (Thursday). Mom didn't understand that I meant it was happening Thursday either.

The only person I tell everything is Tiffy because I can trust her. She agrees that I'm doing the right thing. So when Ray gets up, she starts getting dressed all cute for this. Then I ask her if Jesse knows she's 16. She says... no. I flip out, she tells me I'm a douche, I told her she should have told him WEEKS ago and she says "oh well." FFFFUUU---

Mom gets home, I tell her Jesse is four hours away, she's like O.O WTF and...I beg her not to say anything to Ray until me and Tiffy are out of the house because I DO NOT WANT TO GET DRAGGED IN.

As soon as Ray gets out of the bathroom, Mom's on her and I'm like TIFFY LET'S GO!!

So we go, we drop Tiffy's camera off to get some pictures developed, go back home. Trip takes about an hour-ish. When we get home, Ray's been crying, and Mom's making dinner. Apparently she invited Jesse over. Annnd...Ray still hasn't told him her real age. Finally, FINALLY we get her to text him. He doesn't believe her at first, but I keep texting him as her explaining how sorry she is, etc, because it needs to happen and I know that despite his age, he's good for her.

He arrives at the house. We go out to meet him, and he yells at Ray. Says it's bullshit she lied to him for the last year, she had plenty of opportunities to tell her, and instead she waits till he's driven eight hours to say anything. And she deserves it, we all know she does, and then he drives off without saying if he'd be back.

Parents are confused when we tell them he felt "ambushed" about having to have dinner with the family so soon, mostly for Ray's benefit, until she leaves to go to our neighbors', my aunt's, for comfort. Tiffy and I tell them the truth, they roll their eyes and agree that yeah, she deserved it and they respect Jesse for being pissed about it.

That was Thursday.

Friday, Jesse calls and says he wants to hang out, talk it out with Ray. He comes over, explains he's understanding but still sorta mad and he's not sure if they're friends or more now but he wants to spend time with her. He also brought his friend Jacob up with him, so we all sprawl in the living room and play video games, then go out to dinner together. Jesse is a really nice guy, so is Jacob, they have niiiice southern accents and are the most polite boys I've ever met. My parents also offered them the couches for the night, since it was obvious there was no chance of Jesse ever touching Ray in her own house for fear of either my dad's gun cabinet in plain sight, or y'know. Going to jail.

It was a good day! He even bought a giant pizza for everyone to nom on. I went to babysit for a little while, came back and we watched Boondock Saints and some stupid youtube videos. Good times.


The boys are still asleep when I leave to come and babysit my precious godson Baby G. I come and G's really good for me, pays in his sandbox, takes a bath, and we watch kid movies for a couple hours. Then I have to let the dog out to go to the bathroom, step out onto the porch to watch him and I must not have turned the lock on the doorknob all the way because G slams the door shut behind me... and I'm LOCKED OUT OF THE HOUSE. No way to get back in - there's a backdoor, but that's also locked, the big kitchen windows don't open, and there's no spare key on the porch.

G's happy as can be inside. Little brat. He has no idea what just happened because he's two and didn't even mean to lock me out. Slamming doors is his new favorite game.

So what I have to do is go to his bedroom window, which is the only one open, pop the screen out and lug a huge ass table under it so I can climb in. I felt like a criminal, but it was efficient. Now I'm exhausted and sweaty and not gonna bother with the screen/table until his dad gets home within the next hour or so. He's a big guy, he'll help me out.

Next time I have to take the dog to the bathroom, I'm locking G in the dog's cage. He loves it in there.

I'm gonna guzzle some Mountain Dew and read some fic. BLAH.

.content: ranting, .content: unimportant, .content: real life

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