need to write!

Aug 28, 2009 10:22

Okay so even though I never filled any of the drabble requests I got last time because I SUCK, I really need some ideas because I want to write at least one more time before I go to school...even though I should be packing right now LOL.

For pairings, I'll take CWRPS (J2, Jared/Misha, Jensen/Misha, Jeff/any of those, Jensen/Jared/Danneel in any combination), Supernatural (Sam/Dean, Dean/Castiel, Sam/Castiel, John/Jo), or Leverage (Eliot/Hardison, Parker/Hardison, Parker/Eliot). And of course, threesomes involving those individuals as well. I also do crossovers with all those pairings. I can't promise I'll fill all these, I'm just going to take whatever inspires me and write it, probably in comment fic form.


[fandom] leverage, [fiction] real person slash, .content: excite, .content: fic requests, [fandom] supernatural

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