My little Spinyback Orbweaver is still here, but she had a close call the other day. A tall gentleman came to see the garden and his head touched the web. He reached up to brush it away and pull it down, and I said loudly, “Oh no, please don’t do that.” He looked at me like I was nuts and said, “Oh, Kathy, it’s just a spider.”
And I said very calmly," She is a resident here, and that is her home.”
The next morning I went out and she had raised her web up higher, so now there is no danger of anyone touching it. How wise and accommodating of her. I hope she stays here a long, long time. I took this picture this morning.
It looks like you can see two little eyes, eh?
And here are some wicked little critters that aren’t very welcome here at all. Fire ants! On my walk the other day I saw a huge mound and just barely touched it with my foot and it came alive with activity and anger. I stepped back and snapped a few pictures then quickly went on my way. Hope these don’t gross you out. Even just looking at this picture makes my skin crawl.
I know they have their place in nature. Please just not where I’m walking.
And finally, I LOVE THIS PICTURE. The butterfly was darting around quickly and never landing, and so I didn't think I could get a decent picture. I snapped this one, in flight, looking down on it. Notice it's shadow on the ground. That's the part I love.