Betty said they would always come back . . .

Jul 18, 2021 11:59

I last wrote about the purple shamrocks, (April 2019) that my friend Betty had given me years ago, and how they would sometimes just disappear, but would always come back (as was her prediction). Well, well, the story continues.

One day I noticed that the shamrocks were gone from the gravel under the old oak tree. I didn’t know if someone had trampled them, or a squirrel or birds had eaten them or maybe they just needed a rest, time to rejuvenate underground.

I was up kind of early the other day and sitting outside facing the back yard. I was reading and when I looked up, the sun had come out and was dappling through the leaves, illuminating something bright and boldly colored. In a moment I realized I was looking at the purple shamrocks! They had come back!

I took this picture through the mirrored curtains and screen, hand focusing on the dear little survivors. Soon the sun moved on, leaving them in the shade, but yes, they were back again!

purple shamrocks, friend-betty

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