peacocks (and kites)

Apr 15, 2017 20:50

I went to visit my friend Debra recently and Big Bird, her biggest and oldest alpha male peacock was walking around tempting me to take his picture. BUT, as often as I have been to Debra's house, that peacock has never ever fanned out his feathers for me and this time was no different. Many times as soon as I would leave, Debra would call me on my way home and say he did it right after I pulled out of the driveway! Over the years, her few peacocks have grown to about 50! Debra never had any children, and she always says she was put on this earth to be "a keeper of creatures." She has dogs, cats, peacocks, and a pony, plus some wild critters, too, that she looks after.

Swallowtail Kites for gurdonark

And Big Bird

bird-kite, bird-peacock, friend debra

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