New flowers . . .
I am not such a fan of flowers in the garden. Yes, I think they are beautiful, but a lot of work for a short show. I’m more into the leaf forms and plants that survive a long time with little attention. Most times I've tried my hand with flowers, they die out before they hardly get started.
But, Pete likes flowers and color in his yard. He said to me the other day as we were swinging and looking at what we had accomplished so far in the back garden and said, “everything is green….. and drab, where’s the color!?” So Saturday I accommodated him and bought a bunch of colorful flowers and six hanging pots. I have never been able to find pretty hanging pots…..they are always brown and tan, sometimes white. So I also bought a can of lime green spray paint and painted them today. One can covered five pots and I had some blue left over from another time. Tomorrow I will pot them up. Between the pots and the flowers, that should create nice pops of color and be enough for him.
When I went out this morning there were a couple of butterflies fluttering around them on the picnic table. I think they are all butterfly flowers. I wasn't fast enough to get a picture. Maybe next time ....