All is well here. My sister and I are keeping very busy and making good progress on the cleaning and clearing out of bins and other things. For our mental health we have been taking walks and going on other short excursions every day, then come home and start on the sorting and purging.
It is late right now and I'm too tired to write much, but here are a few photos I've taken lately. I love that I'm able to see and take photos of totally different things than I usually see in Florida.
Angelwing butterfly. First time I've ever seen one of these.
Mist Flower
Ants on a puff . . .
Mary Lou among the tezzels . . .
This is called a Virgins Bower when it looks like this. Later, when it turns brown and dries up, it is called Old Mans Beard.
Fountain in the Franklin Park . . .
I see these wooly caterpillars everywhere . . .
Splash! Here I gathered three rocks in my left hand and stood along the bank of Sugarcreek and as I threw them in the water, I took the picture with my right hand holding the camera.
Cold water spring coming out of the side of a hill along an old country road we were on. I've been experimenting with Mary Lou's Lensbaby and took this picture with that lens . . .
Some kind of unusual thing along the road . . .
End of sunflower (lensbaby) . . .
A fading rose from one of the arrangements at mom's memorial . . . (lensbaby)
Asian pear. (Lensbaby soft focus) This pear is so crisp and juicy the plate and bowl were filled with drippings after I sliced it. I've not eaten something so delicious before, except maybe the Honey Crisp apples they have up here, too!
Country Roads . . .
My sister's new shoes . . .
Country Roads . . .
A very unusual spider in the woods we saw on a walk at Two Mile Run . . .
The sunset last night. The sunsets up here are just as beautiful and breathtaking as ours in Florida . . .
The fog this morning as we were driving into town . . .
Sunday: we are driving over to Fallscreek, the place where my dad was born and raised. We will see their old family house and hopefully I'll get some nice pictures there to post later.
I probably won't be posting too much more up here. I have just had so much trouble getting this to work for me. But, you never know . . . we'll see. Right now to post this we are in at a restaurant called "The Bricks" in town. A really neat little place and good food, too.