All of a sudden we seem to have dozens of squirrels running around our yard, where we used to just have two or three. Some mama must have had a whole bunch of babies! One day I counted 10 juvenile squirrels running and chasing each other up and down the trees and all around the back yard. They are lightning fast and a lot of the time their feet barely touch the ground.
I really don't mind them, except when they get in our feeders and clean them out. They are fun to watch, but I have had a couple actually attack me and that was horrible!! Many years ago, one came right at my face and landed on my shoulder, and others have jumped up against my legs out at the beach. We have two big feeders in the back that hold the black-oiled sunflower seed and so far we have made them squirrel-proof. And, this newer feeder was fairly safe until these new kids came along and found a way to get to it. There's this one that just won't stay away and is out there every morning gobbling up the bird seed.
See his little skinny rat tail?