Last Saturday morning Tracy and I headed out to do some flower shopping. She got lots of great plants/flowers, etc. for her back yard. The front yard is Joe’s domain and the back yard is Tracy’s. They both look super nice.
Tracy got plumbagos, azaleas, sweet allysum, desert rose and a passion vine. She and Joe worked hard the rest of the weekend -- rocks and borders moved, ground tilled, everything planted and 20 bags of mulch spread around.
We had fun looking at the beautiful plants, but the best part of it all was spending time together and Tracy wanting my advice on everything ~~ such a nice feeling.
I’ll have to take garden pictures the next time I’m at her house, but in the meantime here’s some I took in the nursery on Saturday with “little red.”
Azaleas . . .
Purple Salvia . . .
Peace Lily . . .
Yellow Lily . . .
Lily light . . .
Nursery bird ~~ House Sparrow . . .
Red Passion . . .
Plumbago . . .
Sweet Allysum . . .
Desert Rose 1
Desert Rose 2
Desert Rose 3
Azalea . . .
A happy girl waiting in line at the checkout . . .