(no subject)

Aug 14, 2010 22:12

(I started writing this about noon today. Got sidetracked and didn’t get it posted until now.)

Oh what a lazy, lazy day this is for me. I just don’t feel like doing much of anything today.

Yesterday I finally finished the book cover I have been working on for the local author. I actually thought I’d finished it several days ago, but there was a problem, and I had to start over again almost from the beginning. When I found out I was going to have to redo it, I was really bummed at first, but then thought, there must be a reason this is happening and maybe something good will come out of it. I’m a great believer that everything happens for a reason. So I began again. I learned so much in Photoshop the first time around, and this redo just reinforced a lot of the tools for me again. So that was a good thing. And it went a lot faster than the first time, too. Did I mention before that the book is about vampires? So the cover is dark and (hopefully) scary, with lots of dripping blood. There are to be three more books in the series to follow this one he’s working on right now.

So I guess that’s why this is such a lazy day today . . . I’m mentally tired from all the computer work. Pete is outside in his domain puttering around in the heat. It doesn’t seem to bother him. I just keep taking out drinks and big glasses of ice water for him and he’s happy. I’ve been teasing him for the last week that I was going to make chocolate chips cookies for him, and I think today will be the day.

I did go to a big yard sale this morning given by two teachers who recently lost their jobs. They were selling a lot of craft and school supplies that they purchased themselves for their class rooms. I went early and bought a few things (I really didn’t need) just to help support them. They were having a huge turnout when I was there, so I hope they do well.

When I left there, I swung by the Botanical Park on my way home. I went into the office and visited awhile with the manager and some others before I headed out to the pond. I bought a T-shirt and made a donation. They said times are tough and they may not always be here. They are mostly supported by donations and volunteers.

The pink water lotus are finally coming back and starting to bloom. I love how their leaf pads rise high above the water waiting for any little breath of air to make them move and wave.

Everywhere I look, I see how nature provides these wonderful little works of art.

Juvenile Yellow Crowned Night Heron

Roseate Skimmer

A little ray of light on the water


pond pix

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